surprise part 1

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"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong with you?" Paul asked me for the hundredth time today it was getting dark outside by now

"I saw Emmett today" I said with a shrug I messed with my food as everyone sat down eating

"That's it? You're upset because you saw your ex boyfriend?" He said

"Don't be such a hypocrite"I said rolling my eyes

"Then help me understand Alex"he said

"He said he still cares about me and I flipped now I feel terrible about it I think he's jealous of you of us" I said he laughs just then the door opened revealing Jared

"The red head vampire is back" he said Sam gets up

"Let's go Seth you stay here with Alex" Sam said

"What?no way" I said Paul comes to me and cups my face he knew what he was doing and it was working

"I don't want you in the way if it gets violent okay?"he said I stayed silent for a moment

"Fine just don't do anything stupid"I said he nods

"Sure mom" he said with a smirk he pecks my lips before leaving

"So you and Paul?" Seth said

"Shut up and eat your hamburger" I said rolling my eyes
"Are you sure, this is a good idea? I'm a 'vampire girl', remember?"I heard Bella's voice I sighed before going upstairs to get changed walking straight past them

"Look who's back Whatup, Bella?"quit said everyone acted like nothing happened

"Quil, you too?"she asked him

"Yep. Finally made the pack. I'm glad you're here, Bella. Maybe we can get a break from Jake's obsessive inner monologue"jared said

"'I wish Bella would call'"Paul joked

"'I wish Bella wouldn't call'"Embry said

"'Maybe I should call Bella'"Jared said

"'Maybe I should call Bella and hang up'"quit said

"Alright, you can shut up now"jacob said blushing Leah then walked out of the house

"Bella, this is Leah Clearwater. Harry's daughter"jacob introduced them

"Hey. I'm really sorry about your father"bella said as I grabbed my jacket

"If you're here to torture Jacob some more, feel free to leave."she said gotta love Leah

"Fun, isn't she?"Jacob joked

"Bella... Hi."Emily said greeting Bella with a big smile and open arms

"Hey"bella said

"I was wondering when we'd see your face around here again."Emily said she was too nice

"Yeah, same here."she said

"Sam, we're good?"Jacob asked

"We're good. She won't be getting through our line anytime soon"sam said just as I walked past them only to hear a her scoff

"you're still mad at me?"she said I turned around

"no I'm not mad I got over a slap in the face over night"i said sarcastically

"what do you want me to say?"she asked me I shrugged

"nothing don't say anything because nothing will make this better if you don't change your mind"i told her

"I can't you know that"she tells me

"well then I guess we'll never be okay ever again"i said before walking away  I didn't get far

"Alex wait"paul called after me I stopped and turned to him

"that was pretty harsh"he said I shrugged

"it's a touchy subject"i said before I kept walking

"you know what I mean"he said walking by my side

"well tough love is a bitch"i said looking over at the cliff he grabs my arm making me stop and turn to him

"you can put up the tough girl act for everyone else but not me"he said he was right my walls always seemed to fall down around him

"I'm losing her Paul she wants to be what I am and I don't want that I didn't want this"i said shaking my head

"they can't do that they'll break the treaty and it's not your responsibility she's not your responsibility you've got a life too"he tells me I pulled away

"I had a life now I'm just frozen like this forever"i said looking at my hands

"so am I....guess we have a lot more in common than I thought"he said grabbing my hands I blushed

"shut up"i said pushing him he laughs before placing a hand on my cheek stroking it softly I didn't care that everyone was watching us

"let me take you somewhere"he said I furrowed my eyebrows

"where?"I asked he smirked

"if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise"

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