4 days pt 1

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We arrived at the party it was a good thing I had on shades and a hat or else someone would've noticed me Bella approaches us

"What are you doing here?"she asked eyeing both of us

"Carsile said I could come back whenever I was ready and....im back"i said taking off my shades her jaw clenched I grinned

"You invited me, remember?"Jacob tells Bella

"Was my right hook too subtle for you? That was me uninviting you."she tells him

"Look, Bella. I'm sorry... about, you know... The kiss and your hand... I'd blame it on the whole inner animal thing... But it was really just... me. Being an ass. I'm really sorry."he apologized she then looks at me

"oh you want me to apologize? Okay? Maybe I was a little harsh on you...."she cuts me off

"a little"she said I glared at her

"don't push it"i warned her

"I guess i should respect your decision even if it's stupid"i said she smiles

"I accept your apology or whatever that was....are we cool now?"she asked I chuckled

"don't push it snow white"i said before putting back on my shades

"I brought you something. A graduation present. I made it myself."Jacob tells her He takes her hand and clasps to her wrist a charm bracelet

"Oh... You made this? It's really pretty. Thanks."she said but then I saw Alice standing by the staircase, frozen. She's obviously having a vision.

"I'll be right back."I excused myself

"Why? What's going on?"Jacob asked pulling me back

"Nothing. Just wait here a sec."Bella said Bella pushes through the crowd me hot on her tail

"Alice, what did you see?"Bella asked her as Jacob appears

"Okay, something is going on. Tell me."he demands

"Jake stay out if this"i warned him

"I... need to talk to Jasper."Alice said but Jacob puts an arm against the wall, blocking her

"Why don't you talk to me?"he tells her I glared at him

"Jacob remove your hand...."I was cut off by a familiar voice

"Before I do."Jasper said suddenly by Alice's side Jacob does so, slowly

"The decision's been made."Alice said

"What's going on?"Jacob asked again

"You're not going to Seattle?"Bella asked she looks at me as well as Alice

"No...They're coming here."this night just took an unexpected turn

"How long?"Edward asked as he me Emmett Alice Jasper quil embry Jacob and Bella discussed about the newborns

"They'll be here in four days."Alice said I folded my arms

"This could turn into a blood bath."Carsile said my breath got caught in my throat

"Who's behind it?"I asked

"I didn't see anyone I recognize. Maybe one..."Alice trails off

"I know his face. He's local, Riley Biers. He didn't start this."Edward said

"Whoever did is staying out of the action."Alice said

"They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision."Carsile said

"Either way, the army is coming.... and there aren't enough of us to protect the town."Jasper said

"Hold up. What damn army?"Jacob asked Carlisle and Edward share a look. Edward shakes his head no, but Carlisle decides differently

"Newborns. Our kind."I said before Carsile is able to speak

"What are they after?"embry asked

"They were passing around Alex and Bella's scent. A red blouse. And a black scarf"alice said I looked at her she gives me an apologetic look they didn't tell me about that

"They're after Bella? And Alex?"embry asked looking at me

"What the hell does this mean? And why didn't you tell us?"Jacob asked me I bit my lip in thought

"It means an ugly fight. With lives lost."Carsile covers for me Jacob looks back at embry and quil before they all nodded

"Alright...We're in."he said

"over my dead body"i said that meant paul would fight too

"Alex is right. You'll get yourselves killed, no way."Bella said that was the first thing we agreed on in months

"I wasn't asking for permission."Jacob tells us

"well obviously you need it"i said

"Edward."Bella said looking to him for some help

"he's not going to agree with you"i said rolling my eyes

"It means more protection for you."Edward said

"told you"i said she looks at me

"shut up"she tells me

"me? Shut up? Really? You're the reason we're in this mess in the first place!"I snapped at her well so much for apologizing

"Jacob."Bella said she was really getting on my nerves

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