Chapter Twenty Three: Plane Tickets For Two

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I looked over at Devin and glared at him. "I don't think anything is funny, Devin. You better hope no one caught our faces or this license plate. We just fūcking stole from the store, probably killed some police officers, and caused a car accident with an explosion. Maybe you're used to this shīt, but I'm not... this isn't me!"

I bursted out crying, it was too much for me. Devin's a vampire, and maybe he was used to killing people and doing wrong things. But I wasn't. I always was a good girl, my life was always the same- stay to myself and do right. But the marriage changed that all for me. Devin changed that all for me. Now here I am, doing all of this because of him.

He then suddenly pulled over into an alley between two small buildings, they looked abandoned. No cars were around. My heart started to thump wildly, did I make him mad? Did his vampire instincts kick in, and was he going to drain my neck right here? But he said he would never do that to me, right? Right?

He shut off the car. "Mi dispiace, neonata- I'm sorry, baby girl."

He then hugged me tightly, and I was frozen at first full of shock, but then I closed my eyes and hugged him back. It was comforting how things have changed between us. No more of the hate and rivalry. Even though Elizabeth said one of our side effects would be rudeness, our hearts full of love overcame that- between us at least.

"I understand," Devin said. "See me being a vampire, I've always done things like that, and I have killed many. But that was your first time possibly killing people, and doing crazy shīt like that. Your life also was in danger too, I'm so sorry."

A tear rolled down my cheek. "Thank you.." We were still hugging each other, him rubbing my back up and down. We released and Devin started the car back up.

"What's next on the list?" he asked.

I unfolded the old paper, looking at number two. "It says, Bloodroot."

"Where from?"

"Dering Woods, England."

A loud sigh escaped Devin's lips. "So now we have to go all the way to fūcking England? You know I'm not driving all the way to there, right? We need a plane ticket for two."

"I know, I know. We have to go back home though so we can pack. Let's go, and hope Mufusa still isn't there or mad at us."

He drove us back home and we slowly went to the door. I opened it and Mufusa was not in the living room. We both sighed out in relief. He was gone.

We both walked to my room so we could pack together and talk about what we had to do.

I opened my door and my mouth dropped when I saw Mufusa laying on my pink bed, watching bad girls club and eating a box of Cheez-its.

"Mufusa!" I screeched.

"Oh, hi guys!" he looked over to us and stuffed another handful of Cheez-its in his mouth. Finally back from the strip club with my car?"

Devin pointed to me and shouted, "She stole it!"

"Wow, thanks a lot!" I glared at him and shoved him into my room, walking in and closing it behind me. "Sorry Mufusa, we needed your car to get ingredients for Elizabeth. So far we only got bananas. We made a deal with her- she would change us back if we got stuff for her potions or whatever."

"So that curse finally got to you guys, huh?" he lifted up my mask a bit, grimacing at the sight. "Ooh yeah, that's bad. I totally understand, whenever you guys need my car, you can borrow it anytime."

"Wow really? Thanks so much, Mufusa!" I gave him the biggest hug. "You might want to change your license plate number though. We went through a lot trying to get those damn bananas," I told him the whole story.

"Ah, nessun problema. Sorry you guys had to go through that. What else do you guys have to get?"

I went in my closet and threw a gigantic suitcase onto my bed. "Bloodroot from the Dering woods in England, the Devil's shoestring from the actual Devil, a rat's tail, snake fangs, and a human eyeball."


"Tell me about it," I rolled my eyes. "She's really nuts."

"Alright, I'll order the plane tickets while you guys pack!" he sat at my computer desk and typed away at the keyboard.

I smiled. "Tickets for three?"

He whipped around in the chair and gave me a skeptical look. "You already know the answer to that, crazy donna. Means 'woman'. And in case you don't know, remove the 'k' and the 'w' from 'know'."

"Geez, you just could've said no."


Devin and I were finally done packing for England. We both collapsed onto my bed and sighed, we were both tired of it all. It also had been a long day.

By the time we were done, Mufusa was back home doing Lord knows what. He probably was watching more Bad Girls Club just for all the asses on there. Speaking of the devil, I received a call from him.

"Hello?" I answered and yawned.

"Hey principessa, just to let you know, you guys plane takes off at 11 tomorrow morning. I took a picture of the seats and everything, I sent it to you."

My phone vibrated. "Are we sitting next to each other?"

"Of course! Now get some beauty sleep principessa, and remember that everything will turn out just fine. I will always be here for you guys. I'm your friend, and Devin's."

My heart warmed up when he had said that. Before Devin coming through my door, I had no friends. I had no fun. I really had no life. But now, everything changed. I have not only one friend, but two! My life or summer, had changed for the better or worse. And also, my life is full of vampires now.

"Thanks Mufusa."


My alarm went off at 8:30am and I slammed the snooze button. "Huh, Mufusa must've set it for me. He's so sweet," I groaned and rolled over in my bed.

"Sweet, tuh, I could be sweeter!"

I opened my eyes in shock. There Devin was across from me, still laying in my bed. I guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore. He opened his eyes.

"Good morning neonata!"

Just then I heard my door slam open. "What the hell is going on in here?!"


✓ Author's Note ✓

Who else's heart dropped?! 😩😂

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Chapter twenty-four coming soon. Tell me what you think about this twenty-third chapter.

xoxo Prettytt 👅

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