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Korana's p.o.v

It wasn't so hard to find my way into the small village where the remaining humans of my kingdom were. The vampires were quite smart I must say, what tight security but am Korana, I take what I want especially if it's mine and do what I need to. It was called principles. I had to dispute my plans properly to make it into the village. First, I had to distract a few of the vampire guards and murder them silently before finally eliminating every one of them.

I walked into the small village, my black cape like and extremely large hoodie over my head. I didn't want some random elderly person recognizing me and then screaming my name. I wasn't entirely sure if it was only humans who resided here, who knew if some bastard blood sucking leech lurking around. I was very sure that in the next hour, I would be on the wanted list of the vampires because of what happened earlier. It would be a great shock for them to realize that in fact, I was alive and not dead and that I won't rest until I paid each and every one of them a beautiful and surprise visit, but first, I had to assure my people that I was still alive and that I would do anything to make sure nothing happens to any of them. It was a promise I was about to make that was going to help keep my people going and know deep down in their hearts that I would fight for them.

I finally reached what seemed like the center of the village and then I began looking around. First, I had to look for the old lady, wise one Verah, the mage my late father had saved so many years ago and my father's right hand man, David but it was quite unfortunate that he was kept a prisoner by the vampires. Those bastards.

It seemed my presence was already recognized as everyone was staring at me now and then I spotted her, wise one Verah. She looked ashen as she sat in the midst of little kids, she had to be, I mean am supposed to be dead, that was what everyone was supposed to believe. She slowly managed to get up and began walking towards me, her face looking like all the color had drained out of it. She had gotten quite old, I mean, the last time I saw her was ten years ago and she got around quite well unlike now. She finally got closer to me and stared right into my eye sockets and slowly, she reached out and touched my face as if to find out if I was a ghost. I let her. She gasped in shock.

"Korana..." she called.

"Verah." I said almost in a whisper.

**             **

We were in a small room, I, Verah and her young apprentice, Sarah. The room is stuffed with shelves stacked up with utensils, books and lamps. There are tables, and chairs and two beds in the room with just about enough light from the sun to flood the almost dark and really hot room. I had taken off my cape like hoodie and let my waist length black hair which had a white streak in the front fall back to adjust in the room well enough.

"How?" Verah started and I look at her. "How did you do it?"

"Do what?" I ask and she blinks at me.

"Escape, how did you do it? The vampires made sure to kill every royal blood."

"You sound like you aren't too happy to see me alive, Verah." I said and sip the cup of coffee that Sarah gave to me.

"That's not it Kora. What Verah meant was that..."

"I know what she meant." I interrupt Sarah.

"You know you're not supposed to be here Kora. If the vampires by any chance find out that you're alive..."

"Don't worry Verah; I can take care of myself." I assure her.

Verah stares at me for a while like she is trying to figure me out; her eyes pierce mine dangerously but yet politely like she was trying to find out a secret I was holding back. She's a mage and has the abilities to crawl out the truth like some snake out of its hiding place. My eyes harden and my jade green eyes slowly turn to ice slits, a small smile crawling up onto my face. I have been able to find out a lot about myself these past years and got to know that I am no ordinary being and that in fact I was a threat to many and devised a way to keep people away.

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