Beware: Danger Zone

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Wild Pursuers


There was no denying it.

I needed to see her again.

"Oi, Jeongguk! Are you going to do it or what?"

My head instantly snapped to the owner of the voice. Namjoon-hyung's eyebrow was raised expectantly while the others laughed at me.

"Give it up, kid. This punk is too preoccupied to do it." Yoongi-hyung teased, flicking my forehead rather harshly. I flinched and rubbed the spot sorely.

He then tilted his head and looked at me straight in the eyes. "Daebak, this punk isn't talking back for once. What's up?"

Jiminnie-hyung abruptly wrapped his arm around me, the sudden gesture caused me to choke from his hold.

"Leave him alone, hyung. This kid is probably just daydreaming about women again..." Jiminnie-hyung smirked, then leaned in to whisper, "So, did you check out those magazines I snuck into your bag?"

I groaned in disgust and unwrapped his arm from me, stepping away. "I gave them to Taehyungie-hyung. I would've just threw them out anyways."

Taehyungie-hyung, who was scraping out something from in between his teeth, looked up and pouted. "Ayy, Jungkookie! I told you to keep that between us!"

Namjoon-hyung, sick of the banter, stepped in and started shushing all of us. "Jesus, would you all shut up! Yah, Jeon Jeongguk, are you going to prank the chick or what?"

Those guys always left me to do the pranks for the girls. They said I was the best at bullying them and making them cry at least.

"Could we make this quick? I really want to sleep." Hoseok-hyung suddenly said, yawning and scrunching up his face in an annoyed manner.

Hoseok-hyung always liked to sleep, especially in class. He always stayed up late on school nights, sometimes he doesn't even sleep at all.

"Then go find a place to sleep. Find Seokjin while you're at it. That bastard's always going off on his own." Yoongi-hyung mocked.

"Don't bother finding Jin-hyung. Another girl is probably just confessing to him, or boy, you never know." Jiminnie-hyung crossed his arms. Namjoon-hyung snickered at Jiminnie-hyung's comment.

"You're all getting off topic. Class is going to start soon, is Jungkookie going to do it or not?" Taehyungie-hyung complained while the others all had their eyes on me.

I sighed, "Which girl is it?"

Yoongi-hyung smirked and pointed somewhere around the back, while his eyes were glued to me.

This area close to the field and underneath the bleachers is where we stay. The brick wall enclosing us was covered in graffiti that both Taehyungie-hyung and Namjoon-hyung constantly sprayed on.

No one ever went there, it was our territory. No one would dare, Yoongi-hyung would easily beat them up.

"See blondie over there? She got her hair dyed a few weeks ago. Daddy's money, of course. That really irritates people like us, don't you think? She's showering in money she never even earned. Maybe if you pour her head with some sticky paint, Daddy's money won't really look like much." Yoongi-hyung smiled innocently. "Are you game?"

Jiminnie-hyung suddenly appeared beside me.

"Oh well look at that, there are a few people around. Better to have a crowd right?" Jiminnie-hyung chuckled and I looked at the direction he was looking at.

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