(14) Fight For Her

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Wild Pursuers
::chapter 14::




WARNING: School fight below! Not really violent, but if you are sensitive, please proceed with caution!

"Well, well, well... Look at who's been standing around here like a bunch ass-wipes." Big 'ol ugly snickered, followed suit by his scrawny sidekick twisting a box cutter between his fingers.

The four men directly at the opposite of the two didn't reply, posture relaxed as all of them had their hands stuffed inside their pockets, heads titled to the side with a condescending aura.

Yoongi scoffed, taking a step forward with the intent of starting a fight, but then Namjoon held his hand in front of his chest, giving him a signal not to. "So you two were the ones who messed up my buddy's locker?" Namjoon spoke lowly, keeping a straight face.

The scrawny one hollered, "Who? Oh you mean the orange-haired loafer! Yeah, found a bunch of girly shit inside, fuckin' scrapbooks and all!" He spat. Although he was one to talk, not recalling how he scurried away from the "orange-haired loafer" screaming for his mama when he threatened him two days prior.

"Where is the boy anyways? Probably at home crying and wetting his pants, ain't he!" The buff guy added before laughing hysterically with his friend. "Turn around and maybe your head won't fall off." Jimin countered, attention directed to whom was behind the two.

Soon enough, however, their ears were greeted with approaching footsteps. The two's laughter died down and they slowly turned back, the bigger one scoffing at the sight. "Ah so the other three did exist after all."

The other three were Jin, Taehyung, and Hoseok; Taehyung specifically standing in the middle. Jin, although talented at fist-fights, always chose to avoid conflicts; though he still went for the sake of Taehyung. Hoseok, on the other hand, generally depended more on his mental battles rather than his muscles; that is, if he wasn't sleeping.

"They just came in to say hi, figured it'd be unfair for two to go against seven," Jungkook spoke, his intimidation making anyone forget that he was only a freshman.

"Tsk." The scrawny guy reacted; while the buff guy crossed his arms and faced half of his body towards Taehyung. "You need six of your little friends to defend you, kid?" The buff one provoked, Taehyung still didn't make a move, with his head down and breath steady. The others were on edge, however, any time ready to pounce.

"You weren't acting like that before when I had that pretty little brunette backed up against the wall."

Just like that, a restraint seemed to snap.

It was the first time for the rest of Bangtan to hear this side of the story, " 'Pretty little brunette?' " Jungkook murmured under his breath. From those words alone, all of the boys realized whom he was pertaining to. Jin, especially, didn't look pleased.

But Taehyung was a completely different story.

"What was her name again? Had a pretty name for such a hot girl. Ah! That's it..." The buff senior paused for a bit, eyeing Taehyung menacingly, "Y/N."

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