(1) How Men Control Themselves

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hii!! before we begin, if you have time, please check out my newest fanfiction!!

it's a KIM TAEHYUNG fanfiction called

please visit my profile or search it up to find it!!



Wild Pursuers
::chapter 1::



-Jungkook's POV-

>>meet me at the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes at the message, snapping my flip-phone shut.

Not even a millisecond after I closed it, the damn thing buzzed to life again.



>>it's urgent.

your definition of urgent is different from mine.<<

bye bye now, jimin-hyung, good luck!!<<

>>no wait—

Before he could type in anything else, I muted the phone and stuffed it in my pocket.

I directed my attention once more to the notepad before me. Maybe a few shadings would do the trick?

I brought up my pencil and started adding shadows to a sketch I was doodling. It was study period. No one would really fancy talking to me anyways.

My seat assignment was located near the back door. I could easily hear any interaction or conversation from the outside.

Yet only now have I heard something distinct: footsteps.

Not just any footsteps, her footsteps.

Footsteps coming not from ordinary school shoes that every student wore, but footsteps coming from black and white sneakers.

I felt my heartbeat quicken and my head immediately snapped to the sound coming from the hallway.

There she was. Long, wavy brown hair, full, pink lips, and a tall shyness.

Without thinking, I got up from my seat and raced to the hallway.

I was only greeted by her back, continuously walking away from my classroom.

My shoulders hunched back from disappointed. But at the same time, I sighed from relief.

I decided to turn my heel back to class. As I turned around, I was suddenly pulled by the arm by someone.

I got dragged into a dark corner that was away from the classrooms. Once I caught sight of who my kidnapper was, I sneered, pulling my hand abruptly away and pausing in my tracks.

Wild Pursuers // BTS Badboy!AU  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now