Wild Pursuers
::chapter 20::TREASURED
Jungkook approached his eldest hyung. One question in mind. No fear in the response, no hesitance in asking.
The voices in his heart coaxed him to let it out. The burning inquiry, what he needed to be aware of.
They stood side by side, overlooking the city with the afternoon sky enveloping them in warmth. The elder looked at the younger, the younger only looked ahead.
"What's your relationship with Y/N?"
Seokjin was unfazed, he knew sooner or late this would be asked. Yet until now he was still unprepared in what he would answer.
Because even he didn't know.
"I like spending time with her."
Seokjin only spoke of what he was sure of.
Without even saying anything in return, Jungkook turned on his heel and left.
Jungkook had no fear in response, no hesitance in asking.
Jungkook only feared dissatisfaction, only hesitated reaction.
How Jung Krystal convinced me to do this was beyond me.
All the tension was pushing me out of the room: the heat, the sweat, the testosterone.
"Take it all in, my virginal best friend. This— this is where all the hot shirtless guys sweat... the gym!"
I breathed in and out, forbidding myself from choking this nonsensical girl beside me.
"Jung Krystal..." I started, then Krystal chuckled, "It's fine, no need to thank me."
I growled, grabbing her shoulders and shaking them furiously, "Why in the world did you bring me here?!"
"Oh c'mon Y/N, you're an intelligent, sweet, sexy, hot gal! Jeez, lighten up. Do you seriously plan on never sucking a co—" The thud of a barbell dropping overpowered whatever unholiness Krystal said, "—At least I didn't bring you to a club, Yoo."
"Yeah, but the gym, Krystal? The gym isn't the place for flirting!" I reasoned, but my best friend was already drooling over a blonde foreigner who spoke with an accent.
Truth be told, I knew the real reason why I was there; well rather, why Krystal wanted to be here.
Krystal was always fallen head-over-heels for by guys, although unfortunately, she got her heart broken by this one asshat. And I know Krystal, she's impulsive, she's just looking for a boy-toy right now.
"Quick, I booked us a lesson on boxing. The instructor is apparently super fucking hot, like green-eyes with abs hot." Krystal exclaimed and I just sighed before she dragged me to a separate room that was apparently just for boxing.

Wild Pursuers // BTS Badboy!AU ✓
Fanfiction[BTS x Reader] « COMPLETED » She was cornered. Once her back hit her locker with a thud, both of them knew she was trapped. "I won't let you escape..." He said, leaning close to her face. She quivered, "What if I find a way to?" He shook his head, "...