(5) Ignore That Bastard

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Wild Pursuers
::chapter 5::




First him and his friends were terrorizing my school bag and now Jeon Jungkook's dragging me to some first-year classroom.

I should've stayed home today.

I pulled my hand abruptly away from Jungkook's grasp once we were inside the closed classroom. I then faced him with a petrified look.

"Jeon Jungkook, why did you bring me in here?"

He faced me but his eyes didn't, along with his hands in his pockets, "Noona—"

My index finger shot up to cut him off, I looked at him weirdly, "No one gave you permission to call me 'noona'."

He nodded his head slowly, opening his mouth, he said, "Y/N—"

This time I brought my whole hand up and my mouth slightly gaped, "Nuh-uh, I know you're a jerk but speaking informally is out of the question."

He looked slightly annoyed, and that's what I wanted. If he was annoyed with me, chances are he'd let me out of here to save himself from grief.


He questioned more than he stated after some while. I brought my hand down and nodded, "Sunbae is good."

Jungkook then scoffed at this, looking me in the eyes before swiftly removing his gaze, "How are you my sunbae?"

"Because I'm obviously older than you and clearly have more experience and maturity than you in most— no, every aspect." I said.

"That's ridiculous." He persisted with a bit of a scowl.

I raised my eyebrow. This kid completely forgot how his group messed up my lunch time.

"Whatever..." He started with zero sense of sincerity before looking me in the eyes completely for the first time, "Why didn't you fight back then?"

"I didn't want to get in trouble," I explained curtly to him. He scorned, "That's not true."

I stared at him with squinted eyes, "If you're so affected by it, then why didn't you stop?"

He paused and his expression dropped, like he was really thinking about it. But that soon fell through because his voice was low when he said, "Why would I?"

I crossed my arms, sick of this conversation, "If that's how it is, then please don't care. It shouldn't matter to you in the first place."

Jungkook's head then turned to me and his features softened, he opened his mouth to say something but I turned around, "I'm going ahead, lunch ends in about fifteen minutes. Don't skip meals, go eat."


I made my way outside the building to go to the canteen. There was a short hallway the led to the canteen that was filled with rooms for extracurriculars and such.

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