(16) Vulnerable To You

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Wild Pursuers
::chapter 16::




"Is it a ghost town here or what?" I whispered to myself, scanning the empty hallways and uncanny classrooms. It was already 7 am, and class starts at 7:30.

So why was no one in school?

I pinched myself for good measure, just to check if I was having a wonderful dream about school being nonexistent anymore, but to my dismay, "Nope, this is definitely reality."

Wondering around a bit more, I started to grow nervous rather than frustrated. I was all alone in school, — as much as I was aware of — I had no idea where everyone else was, I didn't know what to do, and—


I jumped in my steps as I halted to a stop at the loud bang I heard. Swiftly looking back, my eyes met the end of the hall which had the double doors that led to the outside of the school building, closed. Realizing what that could have meant, my eyes widened and I started sprinting towards the door.

Once I was a foot away from the doors, I started to pry them open, but it was no use; even after how hard I pulled and pushed and struggled. Locked.

As if the world was laughing in front of my face, all the other doors that led to the outside of the main building were locked with a loud thud.

In my desperation, I banged continuously on the main double doors, screaming that there was still someone inside and if anyone was out there. But to my dismay, it was to no avail. I sighed, the idea of the empty school creeping up to me and making me shiver.

But then, I suddenly heard music. Oddly calming music.

Music coming from a piano.

The music had an eerie vibe to it, but at the same time it was comforting; not only because of its sound, but because it also meant that someone else was in the building with me. Without any ounce of hesitation, I started walking towards the music. Realizing as I got closer that it was coming from the music room. I picked up my pace, feeling the loneliness dawn over me.

As I neared the music room, which was conveniently in the spacious second floor across my classroom; I noticed the door was ajar. I walked further and further until I was just outside the doorframe. The beautiful music was clear and melodious now, it seemed familiar but I didn't know what it was called.

But the music wasn't the only thing that caught my attention.

Sitting with a relaxed posture in front of a baby grand piano, hands gliding lightly across the keys like he was caressing a baby, face contorted in content as his features seemed to be utterly focused, was someone whom I never expected to be there.

Park Jimin.

It was curiosity that pushed me to walk inside the room, yet it was boldness that moved me to sit beside Park Jimin so closely as he played the piece. It was like he was in a trance, so mesmerized with the music that he didn't even realize that I was there.

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