(21) A Reason To Win You Over

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Wild Pursuers
::chapter 21::




"Oi, Y/N," Kihyun-oppa's voice made me screw my eyes shut and breathe out, already annoyed that he made me go with him to this outlet mall.

I didn't reply nor say anything, I only turned around and offered the most realistic forced smile to my older brother. While looking at his phone, he said nonchalantly, "I'm just going to meet someone for a bit, okay? Would you be fine here all alone?"


"Yeah, go on, oppa! Go meet your girlfriend!" I teased, but there was some truth to it. Kihyun-oppa growled, "Not my girl, Y/N."

Yeah, she is. You just don't want to admit you like her.

I nodded my head, "Ah, sorry... your fuck buddy." I grinned and Kihyun-oppa scowled. He then pulled out his wallet and gave me some money like I didn't have my own, gave me a kiss on the cheek, then left.

Once he was gone, my body naturally slumped and let out a long sigh. I doubt Kihyun-oppa would be back any time before evening.

As much as I loved my brother, sometimes I question how we're even related.

And because of my lovely brother, I am now by myself, in an almost unfamiliar place, a mile away from home with no ride.

Already plotting my revenge on Kihyun-oppa, I started walking to the nearest form of entertainment that could satisfy me for the time being.

Now my definition of entertainment is explicitly what other people would fine "uninteresting."

Which is feeding cute little fishies.

My body seemed to move towards the little bridge over the river pond where the fishes were. My hand already carrying a paper bag full of fish food which I bought on my way to the bridge.

I giggled as I gazed at about five fishes that seemed to take an interest in me, "Hey cuties." I smiled, reaching my hand out above the water and letting the seeds fall into the pond.

The fishes went crazy, all five of them fighting to get even just a small piece. In no time, tens to hundreds of fishes crowded below me; all eagerly waiting for me to drop some more.

"Okay, okay! You guys sure are hungry, huh?" Thinking it wouldn't be enough for me to just throw in a handful, I started pouring in everything from the paper bag. I giggled when I saw them splash in the water to eat.

I was too engrossed to notice the bridge across from mine, also having someone popular among the other fishes.

I jolted when I heard his laugh, being familiar with it even if it was an utmost rare occurrence.

My head slowly tilted up unconsciously, being greeted by a form and a stature that made the corners of my lips twitch up into a smile.

He was leaning on the railing with his gaze focused on the fishes, wearing a loose gray beanie atop his head that complimented his ripped jeans and gray sneakers. His eyes formed wrinkles at the sides as he laughed, his teeth shining. His leather jacket fit him perfectly to make it seem like it was his second skin.

Wild Pursuers // BTS Badboy!AU  ✓ Where stories live. Discover now