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Authors note
I can't be bothered to find damn pictures of anime characters for this story so I'll just describe em for ya and you guys imagine what they look like.

Location - Moor, Tennessee


A normal guy. Nothing out of the ordinary. He finds school kinda boring, but he has a group of friends he enjoys hanging out with. He has (Your hair color) hair, (Your eye color) eyes, loves (Yours fave music), he's pretty fit, but not like a body builder. His favorite color is (your fav color) and he usually just wears plain/brand-less clothes. He lives alone, since his parents disappeared when he was young, and he's been bouncing around until he was 12 when he came across a large sum of money that his father left him. He bought a fake ID, since he looked over 18 when he was 12, and bought a place, then enrolled himself in school. He's 16 now, in his junior year of high school. Everything seems normal.

Julie Founders
Y,N's friend. Long brown hair, wears all latest fashion, bright blue eyes, average height. She's very extroverted and proactive, always the one to get everyone out of the house and hang out. She's kinda the leader of the group. She has a hidden "dark" side where she's really into satanic rituals and stuff and even tried to sacrifice Y,N one time. Y,N is the only one who knows of that though, since, you know, he was almost sacrificed. She listens to Pop music, but really loves death metal and doom metal low key.

Miles Corr
Miles is Y,N's best friend. They met in 9th grade (freshman year) and they hated each other at first, but they bonded over a common enemy. This dude named George. Miles used to be this short fat kid in 9th grade. George used to be the biggest dick at Moor High. Y,N and Miles had multiple fights with George until he was expelled and he moved away to this other town called Woodsdale or something. After George moved away, Miles and Y,N bonded and become best friends. Miles listens to Punk Rock, Alt, Grunge, etc. He usually wears the stereotypical "Punk" fashion, but sometimes he wears normal human stuff too. He's 6'8", 190 lbs of pure muscle now. Y,N and Miles work out together every other day, to stay in shape. He has jet black hair, brown eyes, and a chiseled jaw line.

Flora Garcia
A transfer student from Mexico, she's quiet and shy. But she can speak perfect English along with Spanish. She's 4'6", long black hair, green eyes. She is part of the group of friends, and secretly has a crush on both Y,N and Miles. She can't decide which to pick though.

Madison Palmer
Moor High's #1 popular girl. The "queen" or "princess" so to speak. Wears all the expensive clothes. Blonde hair, gray eyes, 6'1". Her family is rich as hell, and she lets everyone know about it. Her family owns lots of stock in this company called A.I.M. or something. Her father is on the board of directors too. She has a white BMW that her chauffeur drives her around in. She used to date George before he moved. Her favorite thing to do is annoy/harass Y,N and his group.

Judy James
The last person in Y,N's group. Normal girl, like Y,N. Her nickname only Y,N can call her is JJ, and it's said that she and Y,N have a thing on the side, which is just a rumor. Y,N and her are very close though. She's 5'9", red hair, brown eyes. Listens to Classic Rock, plays guitar.

On Repeat (Male Reader x Highschool Harem) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now