Day 1: The Start of Hell

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I woke up with a feeling of dread, like something really bad was going to happen today. I checked the time, 5:11. I forced myself to get out of bed and get ready for school. I showered, went down stairs after getting dressed, and cooked breakfast for myself. I chugged a cup of coffee before leaving the house for school. I got to school 3 minutes before class started, which was at 7:50, and rushed to my first period. I sat down in my seat and heard my name called.



Everyone else's names were rattled off and the teacher got the lesson started.

"So today, we're going to be learning about the 1920's in America."

'I forgot that this was history class. At least it's a fun subject.' I thought. As the class carried on, I zoned out, trying to find a reason for the bad feeling when I woke up. 'Let's see... no, I didn't forget any homework... no, didn't forget anything with my friends... maybe George is coming back? God please no... I don't know, maybe I forgot I said I'd do something for someone?'

"You with us Y,N?" The teacher asked me.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry." I replied, snapping back to reality. The class giggled at my day dreaming, but I didn't really care.

"Please read the next paragraph. Page 365." The teacher told me.

"Alright." As I read, I continued thinking about that feeling. It kind of ruined my morning, but I tried to prevent it from affecting me too much. Soon, class was over and I headed to my second period, science. That class I had with Miles.

"Hey Y,N. How was your weekend?" Miles asked me as I sat next to him.

'Oh yeah, it's Monday...' I thought before answering him.

"Eh, pretty normal I guess."

The truth is, I don't remember my weekend at all. In fact, I don't remember anything before this morning. I just know that I have friends, their names, my name, my class schedule, and the basic stuff. You know, reading, writing, breathing, talking, eating. And apparently I can cook.

"Y,N? You ok?" Miles asked me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Huh? Yeah. I've just been zoning out all today."

"Man, you must have a hang over then." Miles joked.

"I don't know."

"Man, it musta been a vodka whiskey mix!" Miles said, laughing at his own stupid joke. I smiled and turned back to my desk. Class started and ended quickly, and nutrition started. I followed Miles over to this group of people out in the quad, and their names entered my mind.

'Flora, Julie, Judy.'

We all greeted each other and they started talking about some movie Flora and Julie went to see last weekend. I didn't pay attention, zoning out once again. JJ tugged my shirt, asking if I was ok.

"Ah, he's been like that since this morning apparently." Miles answered before me.

"Really? What happened over the weekend?" JJ asked.

"I don't know." I answered honestly.

"He got wasted on a vodka whiskey mix and probably blacked out." Miles said and Julie laughed. JJ just looked at me with concern.

"I'm fine. Seriously." I told JJ, but she just looked at me more concerned and then dropped it. We walked around the halls of the school while we waited for nutrition to end. It did. We said our goodbye's and left for our separate classes. I went to 3rd period, which was culinary class. For some reason, I was an excellent cook. The dish we were assigned to make was Beef Wellington. I made it in 20 minutes. The teacher tried it and almost ate it all. 3rd ended without anything else happening. 4th was gone faster than I thought. Lunch time started. I met up with Flora, Julie, and the rest. Miles and Judy were talking up a storm while Flora and Julie quietly talked to each other. I just stood there and fell deep into thought. 'Why am I having this feeling? What's wrong with today? Is it something I did over the weekend...?'

"Y,N? Are you seriously ok?" JJ asked. I snapped out of it again, looking at her. 

"Huh? Yeah. Seriously."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Lay off." I said forcefully. JJ stepped back a bit, a little shocked that I'd snapped at her like that.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have pushed." She said.

"Woah, man. Lay off." Miles said. I just gave him a dirty look and walked away. 

5th and 6th disappeared as fast as they started. I found myself standing outside the school, looking up at the rain. It started halfway through 6th period. I looked down at my feet and started walking home. I felt a strong gust of wind and it almost blew me off my feet, into the street. I leaned against the wind and forged on. I turned a corner and... that feeling of dread I felt in the morning came back, but 1000 times worse... All light disappeared suddenly disappeared. I looked up and saw the sun turn black. I started to panic and feel a sense of danger behind me. I turned around and in a flash, felt immense pain in my stomach. I looked down, and saw a huge kitchen knife in my abdomen. Blood started to pour out of the stab wound, and I fell on my knees. I screamed in pain and tried to pull the knife out, but the pain just got worse. I looked up and the sun got bigger and bigger, engulfing the world. Then, I saw nothing. Then, a woman surrounded by a red light. She was tall, with long black hair and glowing red eyes. A scar going from her forehead through her left eye, then down to a corner of her mouth. She walked closer to me and stood in front of me. She reached down and tore the knife out from my stomach, making me scream in pain. I flopped to the floor into the pool of my own blood and, starting to loose consciousness, looked up at the woman. She looked down at me in pure hatred and rage, then... brought the knife down on my neck.

  I woke up with a feeling of dread, like something really bad was going to happen today. I checked the time, 5:11. I forced mys-

'Wait... I feel like I've done this before.' I thought as I stood up. I looked down and felt my stomach. It ached like never before. I lifted up my shirt and saw a huge scar, like I'd been stabbed by a sword on my stomach. I felt a wave of panic, thinking that that hadn't been there yesterday. Then, I realized I couldn't remember yesterday. I sat on my bed and tried to force myself to remember the day before today, but no such luck. I stood up but felt a wave of sickness wash across me, making my head explode in pain. I fell back on my bed and held my head in my hands as I cried out in pain. That's when "yesterday" all came flooding back to me. The whole day. The rain. The wind. The black sun. The knife. The woman. The hate from the woman.

Then, the pain subsided, and I was able to control myself once again. I stood up, and quickly checked the date and time. Monday, 5:34 AM.

"Oh shit.... What is this?"

On Repeat (Male Reader x Highschool Harem) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now