Day 4: Branching Out

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I woke up. Again. 

I rushed into the bathroom and saw the new scar. One going all the way around my neck in a thin line. Like I was decapitated. I was. I noticed the other new scar on my left hand, the stab wound. I sighed and remembered my goals from yesterday. Looks like arming myself against her is out of the picture.

"Fuck... how am I going to get out of this with my sanity intact?" I asked myself in the mirror. I could swear the me in the mirror smiled at me and said I wont...

I guess I need to get help from a friend then... Who to call though? Miles? No, I can't watch him die again... JJ I guess... God this is going to be so awkward to explain...

I went back to my room and shot JJ a text saying she needs to come over to my place. She said she can't since it was 5:30 AM and that we had school.

"Gah, fuck it."

I called her, and waited for her to pick up.

"Hello? Why'd you call m-"

"You need to come over. Now."


I hung up and searched my closet for a long sleeve shirt and pants. I threw them on and found spare gloves from skiing. I went to my hallway closet and pulled out my winter scarf and covered up my neck. When I finished putting it on, the doorbell rang. I tensed up and grabbed a kitchen knife from the kitchen. I approached the door very very slowly, being very careful not to make a sound.

Oh god please be JJ please be JJ...

I swung the door open violently, startling JJ who was standing outside. I sighed and grabbed her hand, yanking her inside. I did a quick around the street making sure I didn't see the Red Woman. I closed and locked the door when I went back inside, and set the knife down on the counter.

"Y,N what the hell? Why'd you throw me in your house? Why'd you even call me over?" JJ asked, clearly a little unnerved. I started pacing back and forth as she sat on the couch.

"Hello? I asked you something."

"Huh? Sorry." I stopped pacing and faced her. "What I'm about to say is going to sound insane to you JJ. Hear me out."


"..." I hesitated for a few seconds, scared on how she'd react.

"I've... lived this day, this specific day, 4 times now."


"You heard me. I've lived this day 4 times now. Monday. Always waking up at 5:11 AM."

"Wait what are you saying? Are you ok? Do you need to lay down?"

"NO! No.. I'm.... I'm fine."

"You're clearly not." She said, standing up.

"No no no, you don't understand. I'm telling the truth."

"I... I want to believe you. Can you prove it?"

"I... I... If..." Then it hit me. The scars. She knows I don't have any. At least, before 4 days ago...

"I can." I said, starting to take off the scarf. "Just, whatever you do, DO NOT FREAK OUT." I said.


With that, I took off my scarf, gloves, and long sleeve, reveling the scars. JJ gasped and walked closer to me.

"W-what are these?"

"These are proof I've lived this day. I always die at the end. Always. Yesterday, I was stabbed in the hand, then decapitated. Thus the neck scar and hand scar. The day before that, my left shoulder and collarbone were severed completely, my left leg was cut off, and my lip was bitten through. The day before that, the first day, I was stabbed in the stomach and in the neck." I said, pointing to each scar.

"Oh... oh god... Why?"

"I... I have no idea. Yesterday... Today... I tried to get a gun to defend myself, but she killed the clerk and then... took my head..." I said, tearing up.

"Oh god... Who is it? Who kills you?" JJ asked, hugging me.

"This woman. She wears all red. She has this red glow to her too. It's so... evil..."I said.

"...Ok. Ok. I believe you. You never had scars like these, so I believe you. What now?"

"I need help. I don't want to die again JJ." I said, starting to plea with her.

"Ok. Ok. I understand. Did you tell anyone else about this any other times?"

"No. This is the first time." I replied.

"Ok. Did anyone else get involved?"

"...Miles. Two days ago... He died in my arms..."

"Oh god... I'm so sorry..."

We stood there, finally realizing the magnitude of the shit I was in. We both collapsed and cried into each other, JJ crying for my suffering, me crying in fear. We stayed like that for a while. Until, it all went black.  I heard a scream, but I couldn't see anything. Or feel anything. I felt cold. I heard JJ scream my name, only to be cut off abruptly.

"Didn't I tell you last time? Anyone you interact with will die." A cold voice said, sending chills down my body.

Oh god. JJ. She's dead... Isn't she. 

Why can't I see? 

Why am I blind?!

Then I died.


On Repeat (Male Reader x Highschool Harem) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now