Day 3: Acceptance and Preparation

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I woke up with a jolt, the sweat starting to trail down my face. I checked the clock and the date, hoping it was Tuesday. No such luck. Monday, 5:11 AM. I remembered yesterday, and checked my body. Sure enough, there were more scars. One going around my entire left calf, and one on my left collarbone. I checked my stomach and the scar from the first time I died was still there, but on my chest, there was a new scar. Right on my heart, from yesterday, when she stuck her knife into me before dropping me.

"Oh god..." I said, remembering the faces of my friends when they saw me. 'Do they remember any of it?" I thought for a second, but then pushed it aside. If they did, they wouldn't know about the first time, would they? I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, then did a double take at my face, noticing that my bottom lip had a scar.

"Oh... that's right. She bit it off..." I said, running my hand along the scar. 'Definitely can't go to school looking like this.' I thought as I turned on the shower. As I felt the hot water run over my skin, I thought about this situation I'm in. I started to accept the fact that for some reason, I'm stuck in this hell of a Groundhog Day. I got out and dried off, then got dressed. I sat on my bed and started to write objectives down that I should work towards.

"Ok, first, assuming I can't stay permanently dead, I should find a way to fight back, to defend myself. God seriously, why am I actually having to write this stuff... why can't I be a normal kid?" I said, writing down '1: Defend myself'.

"Second, I guess. Figure out how to escape this loop. It's probably not like that movie, where Bill Murray has to change his personality to escape, but I can treat it like it is. I should observe people's actions and decisions each day without my interference to see if they make the same choices and say the same things each day." I said, writing down the second objective.


'Wait, these past two days, they've ended with me dying. Maybe, if I don't die and stay awake till the next day, I'll break the loop...' I thought. 'If it doesn't work, then I... have to die... over and over again. PLEEEEEASE WORK...'

"Third, I should try and convince my friends to help me. But, if I drag them into this, they will die... like... Miles did. Yesterday... I mean today. Ugh this is so confusing." I said frustrated. I wrote on the top of the page "Day 3". This is how I'll keep track of the days, instead of treating them like weeks. I got up and checked the time again. 6:22 AM. I sighed and went downstairs and made breakfast. Then, I threw my jacket and hat on and left the house. I went down to the shopping mall, which was more of a collection of small businesses, and entered the gun shop.

"Welcome. Here to shoot or to defend yourself?" The clerk asked as I walked in. I lowered my hat to cover my face, and replied.


"What would you like?"

"What's the best for home defense. Something that will... kill someone... in a few shots?" I asked.

"Hmm... lets see. For a guy of your build, I'd recommend a 9mm. This second row right here are all 9mm. Pick one that you like." He said, pointed down at a row of guns in the counter. I looked down at them, and not knowing what the hell I was doing, I chose based off of looks and how cool it looked.

"How about that one?" I said, pointing.

"Ah, let me get it real quick."

He unlocked the counter, then grabbed the one I was pointing at.

"Lets see... Walther CCP. 9mm. Not bad. Here, see how it feels in your hand." He said, handing me the gun. I took it and placed my hand on the grip. It fit my hand perfectly. I felt the weight of the gun, and figured it would be easy to draw and shoot.

"Sure, I'll take it. Can I get a case for it and a extra magazine along with a few boxes of ammo?" I asked.

"Wait, right now?"

"Yeah. I need it."

"I guess man..." The clerk said as he took the gun back and went to get the stuff I asked for. I took out my fake ID and my debit card, and had them ready for the guy. I stood there like an idiot for a good 10 minutes, waiting for the dude to get back. I got weary, because it seemed like he wasn't coming back.

'Maybe he called the cops. Shit, I should get out of here right now.' I thought, slowly taking steps backwards towards the door, eyeing the door the clerk went through into the back room. I heard the bell of the door open and turned around to see...

To see...


The Red Woman...

"No... no no its not time yet! You come later in the day! Not this early!" I yelled at her in panic.

"Well, I thought that you deserved an early death today, since you tried to arm yourself against me." She said, walking towards me.

"No stay away! Stay away!" I screamed, scrambling around, trying to find something to protect myself with. I tripped over a gun case on the ground, quickly standing back up and running into the back room.

"Dude! Dude you gotta help m-!"

I stood in shock, cutting myself off mid sentence.

What I saw was gruesome. Horrible. The clerks stomach was torn open, his organs thrown about around the place. His jaw was nearly cut off, and his eyes had been stabbed out.

"Oh Jesus..." I said, placing a hand on my mouth to stop myself from vomiting. My eyes started to tear up, and I turned to the door to see the Red Woman leaning against it.

"You see? Anyone you interact with will die. And they die because of you. You call me the Red Woman, yes? I kinda like that. One day, if you ever have a chance at hurting me, and you do, I'll tell you my real name. Yes? That fair? Until then..."


With that, she charged at me with unfathomable speed. She grabbed my face and slammed the back of my head into the concrete, causing my head to nearly explode from the force. She stood over me once again, this time with a smirk. She brought out her knife, and hovered it above her head, all the while smiling at me. She saw the fear in my eyes as I nearly blacked out from the pain, but she stabbed my hand, laughing, causing me to scream and come back from the brink of blacking out. She stood back up, laughing at my pain as I cradled my hand. She licked my blood off her knife, groaning as she did. Then, with one swift move, she sliced off my head. My head flew in the air and landed off to the side, and I saw my body slump over, the the Red Woman smile at me.

"Until next time, my plaything."

Then, I died. For the third time. 

On Repeat (Male Reader x Highschool Harem) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now