Day 2: With Rebirth, Comes Panic

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I paced back and forth in my room thinking.

'What the hell what the hell what the hell?! I died?! But didn't?! How?! Why is it the same day as before? What the hell what the hell what the hell?!'

I looked over at the clock again and it said 6:23 AM. 'Jesus that much time passed?!' I panicked and charged out of my room and downstairs. I hauled ass over to school, forgetting briefly my... death. I got to first period at 7:50, and sat down.



Everyone else's names were rattled off and the teacher got the lesson started.

"So today, we're going to be learning about the 1920's in America."

Jesus, its just like yesterday. It's like I woke from a dream, but... It wasn't a dream, was it? If it was, I wouldn't have this big scar on my stomach. Did I really die? Who was that woman? Why did she kill m-

"You with us Y,N?" The teacher asked me.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry." I replied, snapping back to reality. The class giggled at my day dreaming, but I was too preoccupied at the deja vu to react.

"Please read the next paragraph. Page 365." The teacher told me.

I did but kept thinking about my death. The pain. I remembered it all. The... knife. The blood.

The bell rang, snapping me out of my horrible memories. I stood up and left for second period, which Miles was in. Maybe he'd know what the hell was going on...

  "Hey Y,N. How was your weekend?" Miles asked me as I sat next to him. 

"Miles, does any of this seem... familiar to you? Like, we just did it yesterday?" I asked.

"Huh? Dude, yesterday was Sunday. But yeah, we do the same damn thing in this school every week. I know how you feel." He said, smiling.

"No... no you really really don't."

"Huh? What did you say?" 


"Well, what did you do this weekend?" Miles repeated.

"I don't remember."

"Ah, the classic vodka-whiskey mix huh?" Miles said, laughing.

"Dude, you already said that yesterday." I said automatically.

"What? Dude, I wasn't with you Sunday. And I'm pretty sure I've never said that before... You ok?" Miles said, placing his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off and replied.

"I'm fine. Look, class is starting."

Second period started and ended quickly, because I was too busy trying not to loose my sanity at my own death.

Nutrition started and Miles took me over to Julie, Flora, and JJ.  They greeted each other and they started talking about some movie Flora and Julie went to see last weekend. I didn't pay attention, trying my best not to completely loose it. JJ tugged my shirt, asking if I was ok.


"Don't bother. He's been like this all day." Miles said to JJ.

JJ looked into my eyes, and saw the rising panic. The plea for help. "Y,N...?"

I turned and ran off, on the brink of a panic attack. I died. How am I alive? Why is everything the same? I should be dead. Maybe I am dead? And this is all just a fever dream? Yeah, that must be it. A fever dream. I'll wake up in a few. I burst into the bathroom and into a stall, throwing up into the toilet. I heard a knock on the stall door and Miles asked if I was ok.

"G-g-g-go a-away...." I said between breaths.

"Dude, you stormed off for no reason, and now are throwing up? Seriously, what did you do last weekend?" He said, concerned.

"I SAID I DON'T KNOW DAMMIT!" I yelled, bursting out of the stall and shoving past Miles.

"Dude what the hell?!"

I looked back at him for a second, before running out of the bathroom and charging to the roof.

(Miles POV)

When Y,N looked back, I saw his eyes. All I saw was pure panic and fear. Something seriously bad happened to him last weekend. I gotta help him.


I burst out onto the roof and the rain started. Wait, it started raining halfway through 6th yesterday. No, this is too early. This isn't right. I looked around desperately, but saw nothing. I heard someone charge through the doors I just came through. I turned to see Miles looking at the rain in surprise. Then he saw me and started talking to me.

"Y,N, what happened? This isn't you. What's wrong? Talk to me." He said, slowly walking closer.

"No... stay... s-stay away." I said, tears coming down my face now. I took a step back, full of fear.

"C'mon man, its me. You know me. It's Mil-AGH" Miles's eyes widened and he started choking.

The knife. The knife. The knife. The knife was sticking out of his neck. Out.. of.. Miles.. neck....

"Oh god no... please no... Wake up now! Wake up wake up wake up WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!! I screamed, hitting my head with my hands.

Miles's body fell, and his blood started pooling up immediately around his head. He started making gagging noises, his lungs filling with his own blood. His hands twitched and his eyes never left mine. I watched as the Red Woman stood above Miles and lifted up the knife. She brought it down on his back, again, and again. Miles coughed up more blood, trying to scream in pain. Nothing came out but more blood. I stared into his eyes... and watched the life drain from them. Then, with one final sickening twist of the knife, Miles's life was ended before my eyes.

"Oh.... no god please no..." I sobbed, crawling backwards. Trying to escape the Red Woman. She finally looked at me and slowly walked towards me. For the first time, she spoke.

"I will give you despair. Such as I have known. You will see all you love perish in front of your very eyes. You will suffer. You. Will. Learn. Death." She grabbed me by my throat and lifted me up with no effort. She walked over to the edge of the building and held me over the ledge. She rose the knife and brought it down on my shoulder, severing the muscles and breaking my collar bone. Thus, rendering my left arm useless. I screamed in pain and tried to do anything to escape her grasp. She rose the again but this time swung it from right to left, cutting straight through my left leg, cutting it clean off. At this point, any sound I tried to scream was just a squeak of pain. She lifted me closer to her face, and kissed me on my lips. After a few seconds, she bit straight through my lip, tearing it off. Then, she plunged the knife into my heart, and dropped me. All that I saw was the rain, my blood following my down, and the sky. Then, my eyes made contact with the Red Woman, her red aura engulfing the sky. Then, I saw the black sun again. I felt my body impact and I saw who was around me. I couldn't hear a thing, but I saw JJ scream and Julie froze in shock. Flora screamed and ran off to get someone. But, I was beyond saving. 

Finally, I died. For the second time.

On Repeat (Male Reader x Highschool Harem) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now