Day 5 (Part 2): Truth

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"See anything?"

"No, she isn't here yet. Are you sure she'll come?"

"Yes. I've died every time. There's no way she won't try to kill us both."

JJ and I were both staring out her bedroom window at the street, scanning for the Red Woman. We decided we needed more info about her, so we thought we'd try and talk to her before she inevitably kills us.

"Jesus this is intense." JJ said.

"You have no idea. Just wait until she actually gets here and you get a good look at her." I said with sarcasm. In truth, I was very anxious. I really don't want JJ to be in this with me, but at least I won't be alone.

"You good?"

"Yeah, sorry." I said, drawing back out of my thoughts.

"Well, staring out the window isn't going to get us anywhere, lets go down stairs and occupy ourselves so we don't go insane from anticipation and anxiety." JJ said, standing up. I nodded and stood up as well. We both walked out of her room and started to walk down the hall. I stopped in front of the mirror in the hall and stared at myself. JJ stopped and turned around, noticing I had stopped as well.

"Y,N?" She asked, a little concerned.

I said nothing, instead I lifted up my shirt and took it off. I head JJ gasp a little, seeing my first scar, along with the dark scar over my heart, from multiple stabs. I turned around slightly and looked at my back. Sure enough, the other side of the scar was there. I frowned and turned back around. I looked at my neck and face, seeing the scars in good lighting for the first time. The scar on my collarbone was there too, which caught JJ's eye.

"How many scars do you have?" JJ asked, coming closer to me a little bit.

"If you want to see them, I'll have to strip to my underwear." I said, with a fake smirk on my face.

JJ's face went a little red, but she nodded. I sighed and dropped my jeans, reveling my scar on my leg. She gasped again, finally seeing me in all of my damaged glory.

"Well, this is my story so far. How is it?" I asked, raising my arms, like I was presenting myself at a modelling interview.

JJ walked forward and hugged me, which surprised me. I froze, not knowing what to do exactly, since my friend I've known for years is now hugging me... WHILE I'M NEARLY NAKED.

"Um... you... you realize that I'm... ya know, in my underwear, right?" I asked, still holding my arms up.

JJ instantly let go and backed up a few feet. "I-I'm SO SORRY! IT WAS AUTOMATIC! I'M SORRY!" She said, her face bright red.

I sighed and replied that it was ok. I pulled up my pants and felt a familiar presence appear behind me. JJ nearly screamed but held her hands over her mouth to stifle it.

"She's behind me, isn't she?" I asked. JJ nodded.


I turned around and, sure enough, the Red Woman was standing at the end of the hall, her red aura radiating from out behind her, like she was standing in front of a gate to Hell. I looked out the window in JJ's room and saw the sky was now a dark blood red, the sun a bright red. I sighed and remembered how all the times she's killed me now, it's always been like that. What scared me is that I was starting to get used to that.

The Red Woman gave a wave, and had a huge smile on her face. If I didn't know she was here to kill us, I'd probably find that smile of her's super charming and entrancing. I looked back at JJ and she was frozen in fear. I re-buttoned my pants and slowly backed up to JJ, always keeping my front facing the Red Woman. I wrapped my arm around JJ and she unfroze, looking at me. I nodded and looked at the Red Woman.

On Repeat (Male Reader x Highschool Harem) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now