Day 37: Nearly Alone (TBM)

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I Can't Forgive You


I woke up, and stayed still. I looked at the clock, knowing what time it was already. 5:11 AM. Miles would soon suffer. But that's got nothing to do with me. He's gone. On Day 29 I tried to stop Miles's dad from raping Miles, and succeeded. I killed him by bashing his head in with a lamp. But, Nyx showed herself to Miles, and he died along with me. Our blood mixed, and he was pulled into this world. On Day 30, Nyx toyed with Miles, driving him insane in 2 hours. Then, she killed him by tearing out his throat in front of me while I was chained to a wall. On Day 31, she sent Miles back to the real world. All that's left is Flora now. Flora. The only person who remembered me now. Besides her, no one at school, not even the teachers would recognize me. All they remembered was that I was on the school roster. 

I sat up, my muscles completely sore and tense, mostly from being 80% scar tissue. I stretched and cracked my fingers. A blue pale light flooded through my window, the morning dew blanketing my window. I opened up the blinds and let the light in, my room turning a blue tint. I turned around and Nyx stood there, arms crossed.

"You know, recently you've become annoying and no fun."

I just grunted and walked past her into my bathroom. She followed in after me, still giving me a pouty look. I turned the sink on and filled up the sink with water. I grabbed my razor and began to shave my face. On Day 32, I started to grow facial hair, surprisingly. Nyx eyed the water in the sink, but I cut her off.

"You already drowned me. Day 12. Remember? You tied a Mercedes to my legs, cut my arms off, and drove the car into Moor Lake."

Nyx grunted in frustration. It seems even someone like her, whatever she is, can only think up so many ways to kill someone. She then spotted my razor, but I cut her off again.

"Day 14."

"GAH! WHY ARE YOU SO COMFORTABLE WITH THIS NOW?!" Nyx yelled at me. I shrugged.

"Because its my new normal now. I just got used to dying every day." I answered. After a few minutes of Nyx angrily looking at me, I finished shaving. I then went down stairs and fixed myself a cup of coffee. I took a sip and sighed.

"Good cup o' joe. I guess some things don't change even after 34 deaths."

"Dude. You just said you died 34 times. How are you ok with that?" Nyx asked.

"Well, it may not be normal for you, whatever you are, but we humans are good at adapting to situations. It's how we have survived this long." I said, sitting on the couch. Nyx pouted again and sat next to me. We watched the news together in silence, Nyx being the uncomfortable one now.

After a short while, Nyx seemed to get an idea. "I GOT IT! AHAHA THIS WILL MAKE YOU BREAK DOWN AND CRY!" Nyx stood up and snapped her fingers. Instantly, images and memories flooded into my mind, memories of dates with Flora, spending Thanksgiving with her family and mine, watching the 4th of July fireworks together. Christmas together. Intimate scenes together.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I added memories of 2 years of dating to you and Flora. You two have been deeply in love for 2 years, now. Now, lets go kill her, shall we?" Nyx said. I sighed and stood up. No matter how hard Nyx keeps trying, I've lost all emotion. We left my house and I followed Nyx to where Flora's house is. For some reason, Nyx forgot to add memories of where Flora lived. I figured Nyx knows, so I followed her. Eventually after 10 minutes or so, we arrived at this average one story house. Nyx strolled up and knocked on the door. A few minutes later, Flora opened the door, and looked right through Nyx at me. She yelled my name and hugged me. 

"Hey Y,N! How are you my love?" She asked sweetly. I grunted and shrugged. Flora laughed. "Your always like that love! Come in! I was just getting ready for school."

Nyx followed us into Flora's house, and Nyx and I sat on her couch.

"Where are your parents?" I asked.

"Oh, they left yesterday for a trip! First time flying for them." Flora said from her room.

"Oh, nice." I said in a low tone. Nyx tapped my shoulder.

"Watch this!" She whispered. Flora came out of her room and walked down the hallway to the living room. There was a step down into the living room from the hallway, and when Flora stepped down, Nyx snapped her fingers. Flora's back leg was swiped out from under her, and she went tumbling backwards. There was a look of panic and fear on Flora's face as she went down. There was a sickening crack as Flora hit the back of her head on the step corner, cracking her head open. I stood up and walked over to her. I stood above her, and watched as the blood seeped from her head. I turned to Nyx who beamed with happiness.


"...what?" Nyx asked, her smile evaporating.

"So? She's dead. What did you want to get out of this?"

"Remorse? Grief? Hatred at me? Wanting to get revenge? Sadness? Basic human emotion?" Nyx asked, shocked.

"Yeah, sorry. Fresh out of that since Day 34." I said, walking towards the front door. I placed my hand on the doorknob, and I heard Nyx scream in anger. I sighed and stood straight up. There was a gross wet stabbing sound, and I looked at my chest. Sure enough, Nyx's knife was poking out of my chest.

"Really?" I asked Nyx, feeling that familiar feeling overtake me once again.

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