Day 5 (Part 1): A New Player Enters The Fray

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Oh god. I woke up. AGAIN.

"Oooooh god damn this is gonna get on my nerves." I muttered as I sat up. I rubbed my face, feeling worse than ever. I stood up from by bed, and looked down at my body. The scars were still there. I threw on the same shirt I did yesterday, then walked into the bathroom to see my new... memories. I stared at myself in the mirror. I realized I had a new scar across my eyes. So that's why everything went black... yesterday. Seems she sliced my eyes without me seeing her. After that, I can't say. I turned around and saw that I had another new scar on the back of my neck. A stab scar. Looks like to... end me... yesterday, she just stabbed me through the neck, severing the connection from my brain and spine. 

"Ughh... fuck..." I let my arm go slack and felt tears well up in my eyes. How did I even end up in this mess?...

I left the bathroom and went to the kitchen. In the hallway, my phone rang. I stopped and walked back into my room, picking my phone off the table. It was JJ.

'Odd, she never called me in any of the day's I've been through yet.' I thought, answering the call.

"Y,N, why is there a huge scar on my neck?!" She asked me, clearly in a panic.

"What?! Do you remember what happened yesterday?" I asked.

"Yes! Yes yes yes I do! You-You called me and I came over and we talked and you showed me the scars you had and described the-the past days. Then we hugged and cried and then... then... this-"

"Red Woman."

"YES! This-this woman came from no where and-and cut your eyes, then she stabbed... oh god... How are you even alive?!"

"I have no idea. How are you? How do you remember?"

"I-I don't know."

"What happened next?"

"I-I can barely remember... She... she grabbed me by the neck and... oh. That's where the scar's from..." JJ said, starting to fade away.

"JJ, don't think about it. I'm coming over right now. We'll figure out what to do from there, ok?"


"JJ?! Fuck." I hung up the phone, threw on pants, then ran out the front door. I took a right and hauled ass down the sidewalk. I ran 2 blocks and ended up at JJ's house. I knocked rapidly on the front door, and waited. A minute went by with no one coming to the door.

"God dammit."

I bent over and took the spare key out from under a rabbit figurine JJ had out front, and unlocked the door. JJ was no where to be found in the living room or kitchen. I rushed up the stairs and burst into her room. JJ was sitting on the floor in a daze, staring at nothing.

"Oh god JJ..." I rushed over to her and sat on my knees in front of her, and wrapped her in my arms. I held her close to me and felt her breath on my shoulder. 'Good, still breathing.'

I pulled back and looked at her eyes. They were dim and dull. "JJ, stop thinking about it. You WILL go insane." I said, but she didn't seem to hear me. Or, if she did, she didn't show it.

'Fuck, I gotta do it.' I thought.

"JJ, I'm really sorry about this..." I said, before I let go of her shoulders.

I slapped JJ across the face with my right hand. JJ recoiled and came back to reality, with the light back in her eyes.

"OW WHAT THE F-... Y,N? When'd you get here?"

"Oh thank god..." I said, hugging JJ again.

"What happened?" JJ asked, still confused.

"You thought to hard." I responded with a little laugh of relief.

"Thought? I..."

"Don't try again. You'll overload your brain silly." I said.

I pulled back and looked at her. JJ gave me a confused look, but stood up. She went over and sat on her bed. I stood up and looked at JJ. She gasped a little bit and stood up, holding my head in her hands.

"Oh god, I remember how you got the.... the one going across your eyes..."

"Yeah... yeah... I should probably wear sunglasses if I go back to school, huh?" I said with a sarcastic chuckle.

"Dude, this is a serious problem. If you get any more facial scars, you'll need to wear, like, an Iron Man mask or some shit..." JJ said, looking concerned.

"Eh, whatever. It's a problem I'm not really focused on right now."

"Yeah, I know. Now what?"

"I guess now that you're... reborn... I won't be alone in this. We need to stay together."

"I agree." JJ said, walking over to her desk.

"What're you doing?" I asked, sitting on her bed.

"Research I guess. I doubt it'll do anything."

"It's a long shot." I said, laying back on her bed. Man, how long have I been friend with JJ? 2 years? 3? I can't really remember. One time, she and I (for some reason) we ditched school and "painted" graffiti a wall in an alley, but like, halfway through the cops came and chased us out of the alley. We hauled ass to my house and died laughing at our luck. That was one of the first times we had legit fun together. 

"Whatcha thinkin about?" JJ asked.

"That time like 2 years ago when we ditched school and drew graffiti on a wall." I said, sitting up.

"Then we got chased by the cops and shook em a couple blocks before your house? Yeah, I remember that. Good times..." JJ said, looking back at me with a smile. For some reason, her smile made me feel a little bit warm inside. I smiled back, then laid back down on her bed. JJ stood up walked over to the bed. She flopped down on the bed next to me, sighing all of her stress and anxiety out into her bed sheets. I looked over at her, her hair flowing over her shoulders, showing a little part of the back of her neck. I reached over and rubbed her back with my hand, trying to comfort my old friend.

"Whatever happens, we'll figure it out together. We aren't alone in this. We have each other, and we'll make it out of this with our sanity in tact." I said. JJ turned her head over and face me. She smiled at me and nodded. Yes. We'll survive if we have each other.

On Repeat (Male Reader x Highschool Harem) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now