Day 28: That's Fucked (TBM)

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WARNING! There is some very fucked up shit in this chapter. Every Chapter where there is stuff that could trigger a bad memory for someone, I'll put this in the title of the chapter. (TBM) Trigger Bad Memory. Please don't read if this could affect you!

I Can't Forgive The World


I woke up slowly, feeling nothing inside. It's been 23 days since the real JJ went back to her world. Where she forgot me. In the time between then and now, Julie and Madison both got involved with my Hell and died with me. Then Nyx sent them back too. The only people left that know me is Miles and Flora. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. The clock read 5:11 again. Fucking clock. Why do you always read 5:11? Pissing me off...

I stood up and stretched. I had many, many new scars now. Each a different, horrible way of dying. For some reason, when Nyx killed me with acid on Day 18, on Day 19, there was no scars from it. I guess a death that will destroy by entire body won't leave a scar. And I think that goes for anything that destroys my body. On Day 23, she pushed me into a wood chipper. Oh, and my favorite, on Day 11, Nyx hung me from the school flag pole in front of everyone at school, and I had to watch their faces as I choked out. Good times...

I washed my face with cold water, and stared into the mirror. I couldn't recognize my own face anymore, that's how many times she fucked up my face. I rubbed my cheek, which was almost entirely scar tissue now. I figured that after enough deaths, my entire body will be scar tissue, and thus I won't be able to feel.

I went down stairs and lazily sat on the couch. I turned the TV on and watched the same morning news like I did the last 20 mornings. Now, it seems Nyx has developed a habit of hanging out with me before killing me. I heard the door open, and looked over. Yup, sure enough, Nyx strolled in like she owned the place. Well, she did. 

"Heya kiddo. How's it goin?" She asked, sitting next to me. She placed her hand on my arm, but I couldn't feel it. Most of my left arm was scar tissue because of her. 

"Are you going to torment me again, or are you just going to kill me right now?" I asked, staring at the TV. I didn't feel scared of her anymore. I didn't feel anything anymore. I just wanted to stay dead for once. 

"No no no! Why are you like this? Where's the fun in that?!" Nyx said, slapping me lightly on the shoulder. "Here, lets go out today, shall we?"

I didn't move, nor say anything. I just wanted today to be over with. And the next day. And the day after that. Nothing was real anymore. It's not worth living in this fake world.

"Well, how about we pay your friend Miles a visit. It would seem he needs a friend and some help."

"What do you mean?" I asked, not even interested, it was just an automatic response.

"Well, lets go see, shall we my plaything?" Nyx said, standing up and pulling on my arm. I sighed and stood up. I followed Nyx out of my house and down the street. We walked for a few blocks until we got to Miles's house. I stared at his house, not being there since before Hell began.

"Bring back good memories for you?" Nyx asked.


"Good, I can crush those too!" She said, delighted.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the front door. She tried to lock but it wasn't budging.

"You know its like 6 AM right?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes as me, but tried again. "By the way, you aren't going in looking like that, right?" I asked, pointing at her... glowiness.

"No, I suppose your right my pawn."

"Don't call me that."

Nyx ran her hands up her legs and body, then above her head. She slowly turned into JJ, which threw me off.

"JJ?" I asked carefully. JJ gave me a confused look, before talking.

"Y,N? Is that you? What's going on?" JJ asked me.

"You're back?" I asked, feeling tears come to my eyes.

"Naw, just fuckin with ya." JJ said, laughing. I stared at her, before realizing that it was just Nyx looking like JJ.

"That's really fucked up... then again, you do kill me every day..." I muttered.

"Yeah, you shoulda expected that from me kid." Nyx said. "Here..." Nyx waved her hand over the lock, and it clicked. She turned the nob and swung the door open.

"Lets see why you brought me here..." I said, walking in. At first I heard nothing, but then I heard some noise coming from up stairs. I walked up stairs quietly, Nyx following me with a huge grin on her face.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked quietly.

"You'll see!" She whisper-yelled back. I turned back to the stairs and entered the hallway, turning towards Miles's room. The door was creaked open, barely any light coming through. I creeped up to the door, and peered through. I let my eyes adjust for a second, getting used to the dark room. What I saw when I adjusted was...




I saw Miles, on his bed, and... his father. His father was behind Miles. His... his pants on his ankles. Miles's hands were ties up, and he was gagged. Tears were streaming out of his eyes as he cried silently. He groaned in pain with each thrust. There was multiple bruise marks on his... behind... and his arms. I covered my mouth in disgust, and quickly retreated down the hallway.

"What? Not gonna help out your friend?" Nyx asked cheerfully.

There was a thud in Miles's room, and his door swung open violently. Miles's dad charged out of the room and saw me.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!" He yelled, before charging me. I held up my hands in defense as he seemingly phased right through Nyx as he passed by her. She waved and laughed at me, right before Miles's dad tackled me to the ground. He sat on top of me and beat me with his fists, each blow breaking something in my face. After a time, I couldn't even scream. Even if my face was scar tissue, I still felt each fist, each hit. Eventually I blacked out from pain and blood.

Then, I died from blood loss and brain damage.

On Repeat (Male Reader x Highschool Harem) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now