Ep 1: the start of something dumb.

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We find ourselves yet again in the void of space, where the gods of chaos and order have been gathering to conduct impor- you know what? No, i'm tired of hyping these assholes up, just to have them ruin it with the first sentence of dialogue that comes out of their mouth.

So the truth is, that we are going to introduce a new god of chaos and they are going to have some mortals watch another show for the other gods and your amusement, and this will cause more chaos, and headaches for the gods of order. As Harmony will soon find out as she enters into the scene right now.

"What... the fuck am i watching?" asked the goddess of order and kindness (and bitchiness) as she stared at a scene that left her stunned... and this being the same goddess that deals with Deadman and trepp and their assortment of friends on a daily basis that's quite the feat.

Next to her was the chaos god of boredom Trepp. Who could only shrug while giving her the usual deadpan response. "To me, it looks like Deadman is riding the unholy union of a pegasus and molten lava while singing "Amazing Horse".... So pretty much common stuff when dealing with my dumbass of a friend."

"And the junk lying around?" the goddess asked as she gestured towards a bunch of wrappers and containers scattered around the area that they usually occupy.

"Oh those are just the remains of some candy and drugs that "he" brought over to bribe Deadman," answered Trepp. Much to the confusion of Harmony.

"Him?" asked the goddess.

"That would be me."

Startled by the unfamiliar voice, Harmony whipped her head towards where she heard the voice, and was surprised to see that the speaker was the same molten pegasus that Deadman was riding... and still was riding event though his steed now stopped to address Harmony.

"... you can talk?" Harmony asked.

"Yes." was the simple answer.

"You're not just something Deadman made to mock my creations in Equestria?"


"Ok... so why are you here?"

"Oh well some of the other gods of heard of Deadman's little project and have become interested," answered the Pegasus like being. "I'm Draxgaroth by the way."

"And the bribing Trepp mentioned, what's that about?" asked the goddess of order. Really starting to grill the newcomer, to make sure he wasn't up to anything.

Said newcomer only smiled at Harmony and said. "Oh i just wanted him to have a few mortals from your world to watch something i found funny."

"And what makes you think i'll let something like that happa- EEEEP!"

Bored of the conversation, a drugged and sugar rushed deadman grabbed Harmony in the middle of her rant and tossed her behind him on Draxgaroth back as he continued to sing amazing horse.

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