Royals watch Text-To-Speech. Part 10

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Space Locust and Goats.

We find ourselves back in the warp after a long break because it takes a while to make transcripts, please don't hate me-*smack*!!! ... sorry, anyway we find ourselves back in the warp where we see the princesses gathered around Sunset as she just finished explaining to them what JoJo was.

"Well, I have to say this show sounds... unique," Twilight said with a raised brow. To be honest, that was a tame way to describe this show Sunset was a fan of.

"It is a bit on the strange side," Celestia said with an amused smile, with Cadence nodded in agreement with her Aunt.

"It's it quit the Bizzare adventure they have in this show you speak of," Luna added in before a look of realization dawned on her. "Oh, I get the joke! Huzza for me!"


Text-to-speech episode 8: Tyranids

[fade in on a mysteriously dark figure, slow pan up his body, showing the skull dangling at his waist]

(dark figure): Hmph. So... it begins. I suppose it's time to go do something completely inexplicable... again.

[cut to black]
[zoom in on holy terra]

[pan across the main city]

[pan down the hall of statues to where Karamazov stands]

Karamazov (menacingly): well, well, well. Hello there, old friend. Ecclesiarch Decius. I haven't seen you since our little argument on Salem proctor.

"Why does that sound like a bad time," Twilight muttered. Whatever they argued about must have been a shit show.

"Pretty much anything dealing with the name Salem is always going to end in trouble... and being set on fire," Sunset said while added that bit of dark humor at the last minute.

[switch over to the confused high-lords of terra]

Master Of Admin: what! Who is it?

Lord Commander Militant: (incoherent gibbering)

"I guess that's the amount of contribution they're going to provide for now," Cadence muttered.

[cut back to the argument]

Decius: you had no right treating that preacher like you did!

"What did the old goat do?" Celestia asked with a raised brow. Thought she had a feeling she might not like the answer.

[back to high-lords]

Lord Commander Militant: Is that a goat sitting on a chair?

"Can't blame him for his confusion," Luna said with a flat look. "The old man does look like a balding goat."

Grand Provost Marshal: uh-uh-huah!

[back to argument]

Karamazov (indignantly): I had every right! Decius. I'm a lord inquisitor, for terra's sake! If I suspect someone of heresy, I will take them away, and torture them, until they give me. An. Answer!

"And how many were innocent?" Celestia questioned with an edge to her tone.

'More than you can count,' thought Sunset with a frown.

[back to high-lords]

Grand Provost Marshal: That's not a chair, little billy! That... that's a toilet, I think... *(groans) I need to... poo... mmmrgh!

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