|Shot 74| • Protective • |Stenbrough|

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Look. At. How. Cute. And. Pure. He. Is. AHH ~Jae👑


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"You cold, Stan?" Bill asked facing me.

I hadn't even realized I was shivering until Bill pointed it out.

Bill was walking me home after a really nice date, and I hadn't expected it to be this cold.

"Y-Yeah, I f-f-forgot a j-jacket this morning, s-s-stupid me" I chuckled nervously as I shivered, my teeth chattering uncontrollably.

"You're nuh-not st-stupid" he said consolingly as he took off his flannel. "Here" he smiled, offering it to me.

"A-Are you sure? Won't you be cold?" I questioned.

He shrugged.

"Better than watching you freeze, Stanny"

I smiled at him and he grinned, watching me put on his shirt and wrap myself in it.

I inhaled.

"Thank you" I exhaled, taking in his scent as it surrounded me.

"You're wuh-welcome, Stan" he wrapped an arm around me.


Eventually we reached my house, and he rubbed the back of his neck as we approached my porch. I stood a few inches away from his face, gazing into his deep emerald eyes.

"So, uh...d-did you, have fuh-fun to-n-night?" he asked nervously.

"Yeah" I blushed as I smiled, heat flooding my cheeks. "I had a lot of fun. Thank you for taking me out, it was a really nice date"

He immediately perked up, his eyes bright as he grinned at me.

"I'm glad. Muh-Muh-Maybe we could g-go out again?" he suggested hesitantly.

"Yeah!" I grinned. "I'd like that"

"Good to know" he smirked, and leaned to peck my lips.

He then pulled me in for a hug, and I melted into his warm embrace, taking in his love and scent instantly surrounding me at his warm and gentle touch.

"I'll suh-see you l-later" he whispered in my ear, my cheeks flooding bright crimson yet again. "Bye, Stan"

"Bye, Bill"


Bill and the other Losers were the only reason I liked school. I sighed as I opened the school door and trudged my way down the hallway. I just wanted to see Bill and my friends.

"Isn't that Bill Denbrough's shirt?" a kid whispered as I walked down the hallway.

"Faggot" another kid said.

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