|Shot 77| • Rain • |Stenbrough|

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"H-How'd you l-like the muh-movie, Stan?"

"It was great! Thanks for taking me Bill" Stan said, his caramel eyes illuminated with a smile.

I tried so hard not to blush but probably failed. I could feel my cheeks heat up and my heart beat faster.

"No problem, Stanny" I smirked at him.

He was walking close enough to me that I could feel his arm rub against mine. His hands were at his side, and it was hard to resist grabbing his hand and intertwining our fingers.

We walked back to my car from the theater and I opened the door for him.

"After you, muh-my cleanly puh-prince" I bowed as I opened the door.

"Shut up" he blushed, but smiled all the same.

I chuckled and went around to the driver's side.

"I think it might rain, Bill. You should put the top up" he informed while looking up at the night sky.

I was too distracted by Stan's handsome face staring at the gray clouds above to respond with anything other than "mmhmm".

"Bill?" he turned his head back to me.


"I said it might rain, Bill. Do you wanna put the top up?"

"Nah, Stan" I wrapped an arm around him. "Let's juh-just enjoy the n-night ride, huh?"

"Alright" he rolled his eyes playfully. "The sky is really pretty"

"So are you"

"Thanks" he blushed again.

I laughed and blushed before revving the engine. It roared to life, and soon enough we were rolling down the highway. I looked over at Stan who's eyes were glued to the sky.

I smiled at that. The focus and awe in his eyes was adorable. The twinkling stars were illuminated by the moon, which lit up the sky, making the sky a perfect blend of black and glowing white. But no view could compare to Stan Uris, my Stanny.

I was about to say something, when I felt water droplets fall on my head. I looked up to see gray clouds form above, followed by more droplets.

"Uhm, St-Stan?" I said.

"Ah, shit. Is it seriously starting to rain?" he groaned.

It started pouring quickly, so I pulled up to an overpass and parked on the side of the road. There were no cars, thankfully, so I hopped out and tried to put the top up.

"C-Can you guh-give me a h-hand, Stan?" I shouted.

"Yeah, yeah" he said annoyed, and climbed out on the opposite side of the car.

Together we tried to pull the tarp up, but it wouldn't budge. Stan and I were now soaked, and the rain was coming down so heavy and thick we could barely see each other. (I can hear the damn comments now oof)

"Juh-Jeez, Stanny. I th-think killing Puh-Pennywise w-would be easier at this puh-point" I chuckled.

"Seriously, Bill? Shut up" he snapped.

"Suh-Sorry, Stan...juh-just trying to l-lighten the mood" I said defensively.

"Well it's not helping, and don't call me Stanny" he ordered sternly.

"I'm suh-sorry, Stan. I d-didn't know it w-would actually ruh-rain"

"I fucking told you it would! Why don't you listen to me? It's fucking cold as shit and everything's wet and soggy and look at my clothes..."

"I d-don't know, Stan, I juh-just...I just w-wanted tonight to be puh-puh-perfect, and I th-thought a night d-drive with you g-gazing at the st-stars would be suh-so ro- I mean, perfect" I explained.

"Why? What do you care? What do you care how the night goes, all you ever do is tease me! Why do you never listen to me Bill?"

"Isn't it obvious, Stan?" I sighed.

"N-No, what?" he questioned.

I lifted my head and was automatically captivated by his eyes. They're so soft, and warm and beautiful. He searched mine for an answer as I leaned in. When I couldn't take the distance any longer, I brushed my lips against his.

He was hesitant at first, but accepted it, then eventually melted into the kiss. His lips began moving against mine and soon our lips moved in sync. He kissed back with love and confusion and the taste of him drove me for more.

I pulled him hungrily by the waist and wrapped my arms around him. His arms moved to around my neck and held me tight.

When we finally pulled away, he stared confusingly into my eyes and cupped my face in his hands.

"Bill?" he whispered breathlessly.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but...I like you, Stan. More than like, I adore you"

"I-I...I thought it was just you messing around...I like you too, Bill, a lot...I didn't think you noticed either"

"You r-really like m-me?" I queried hesitantly.

"Of course" he nodded. "I...I love you, Bill"

"I love you too, Stan"

He grinned, flashing his dimples as his eyes glistened. I connected our lips, both of us instantly melting into the kiss as we made out in the rain. And just like that, the rain stopped.

"Finally" he chuckled while looking up.

"C-Come on, Stan" I grinned. "Let's g-get you home before I l-lose you to h-hypoth-thermia. Your d-dad'll eat me if I d-don't anyway"

"Beep beep, Bill"

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