Episode 1: The New Student

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(A/N: *Look's at the picture above* Perfection...)

     Preview:  "W-who are y-you?" He looked down at me, and smirked, "Oh...so you can talk, well my name is Kim Jongin, but you can just call me Kai.."

             *3 hours later*

     I still can't get that guy out of my head. After he told me his name, he looked behind him. He looked like he panicked, and he told me, "Hurry! get inside! It's not safe!" I followed his order, and hurried inside, and locked the door. But one question was stuck on my mind...How did he even know my name? Did I know him, but just didn't remember him? It was 7:00 am, and I was still thinking about that (A/N: Handsome...) guy named, Kai?? I think that's what his name was. I thought, 'I should just get ready to go to school, I can't keep thinking about him. He's going to give me a headache.' I walked out the door, into the spring air. It was cold, but it was perfect. The wind blew my hair, and I closed my eyes to savor the pleasuring feeling. I walked to school. It wasn't that far anyways. I just wanted to feel the fresh, spring air. I was so into my mind that I didn't notice that I was in front of the school. I walked into the crowded school. With people talking behind people backs. Teachers who don't care about the students, and just watch people break each other in pieces.

      I walked to my locker to get my supplies for my first class, which was algebra 1. I mean I get A and B's, but I think everybody knows that math is hard. I walked into the classroom with nobody noticing I'm even there. I used to have a lot of friends before my mom passed away, but since then nobody even dares to look at me because they think that I have a "curse." When I was born, my dad passed away 2 weeks later, but nobody knows why. When they found him, he had bite marks everywhere, and they found him in the middle of the woods. Then when I turned 5, the next day my mom died in a car accident. While I was thinking about those tragic times. I sat down in the back, and the teacher walked in. "Okay guys! we have a new student, come in sir!" the teacher said, while looking at the door.

       When I looked at the door, I froze. I felt like I was about to get the effect of the curse. It was the guy from this morning. "Introduce yourself, young man," the teacher stated. He replied, " Hello, my name is Kai. Nice to meet you all, hope you treat me well." He smiled, but then looked up at me and smirked. I felt my face heat up, and looked away. I heard the girls whispering about how handsome he was. 'Ugh! why is he here!' I thought. I heard footprints get closer to me. I was scared to look to see if it was him, so I kept looking the other way. "(Y/N)...I know you're trying to avoid me...can't you just look at me once, I wanna see your beautiful face..." He mumbled the last part, so I didn't hear what he said. I slowly turned my head to his direction. My face felt like it was burning, and about to catch on fire. 

        He gave me a bright eye smile, and my heart skipped a beat. 'Why do I feel like this around him, I just met him!' I mentally groaned. "(Y/N)...You might not remember me, but I remember you perfectly..." He looked so sad, and it made me sad. 'Wait...What did he mean by that, "We met before, but I don't remember him," ' (A/N: He meant what he just said, you don't have to repeat what he said to you in your head....Gosh!). I didn't notice that I was staring at him the whole time, until he waved his hand in front of my face. I blinked once. Then twice. I shook my head to get the thoughts out of my head. I looked at Kai, and asked not noticing what I said, out loud, "Why are you doing this to me? I didn't do anything to you? I just met you, you are confusing me..." I groaned out loud this time, and looked in Kai's eye's. With curiosity. Kai smirked, and said, "Well, I guess I'm just irresistible..." He rested his head on his hand, staring into my soul(A/N: ....Like the nightmare she had...). I blushed, and covered my face. 'I said that out loud!' I heard Kai giggling at probably how stupid I am. 'Ughh! I'm so embarrassed...Can't this day be over yet!'

(A/N: I hope you liked the first episode of this story. I know it's only about Kai, but it's only the first episode ; 3).

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