Episode 8: The Lie

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

I widened my eyes surprised, "Kai...Kai killed someone...no...no...I don't believe it..."

Tears started to go down my face, 'I don't believe it...'

"(Y/N)...It's okay...he probably was set up...he didn't kill anybody..." Jimin said rubbing my back. I pushed his hand off of me and glared at him.

"Then how do you explain about the fingerprints and footprints! It was obviously Kai!"

"(Y/N)...I'm s-sorry...it's just I don't feel like he did it..." He got up and went to the door.

"I guess I'll leave and let you think about it..." He opened the door and left.

I started crying, "You said you'd come back, Why!? Why!?"


*A Week Later*

I was at Kai's house since I'm staying here for now and I don't go to school anymore.

I was looking for a job online and one job caught my eye. A Reporter.

A Reporter sounds interesting, I can report about the news and make money for it...sounds easy.

I answered the questions that were on the application and emailed it to the Media News Company.

'Ohh~! I'm nervous, I hope I get the job!' I thought, getting excited.

"Hey (Y/N)! What are you doing?" I looked behind me to see Suho coming towards me.

I smiled, "I just turned in an application to become a Reporter..."

"Ohhh~! That sounds fun!" He said as he patted my head and messed up hair.

"Yah! Don't mess up my hair! I'm not a kid!" I pouted.

He laughed and mumbled something that I couldn't hear, "Cute..."

"What did you say?" I asked.

"Oh...Nothing..." He said quickly and ran out the door.

I tilted my head confused. "What was that about?" I shrugged it off and went on with my day.


"Hey, Jimin do you want to go shopping with me?"

"Yeah sure...I'll be there in 20 minutes..."

"Okay, See ya"


I hung up the phone and got ready.

*20 minutes later*

I heard a knock at the door so I got up from the couch and opened it to see Jimin.

"Hey! You ready!?" Jimin yelled excited.

I giggled, "Yeah, but I have to put my shoes on..." 

I smiled while putting my shoes on and started walking to the car. Jimin opened the door for me.

"For you Lady..." He closed his eyes and bowed.

I laughed, "You are so weird! Just hurry up so we can leave!"

He giggled and hurried to the other side of the car, almost falling.

"So clumsy..." I mumbled smiling.

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