Chapter 11

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Once again, this kind of familiarity made Xu Xu feel uncomfortable, Xu Xu slightly moved to the side. Ye Zi Xi flinched her eyes and smiled: "Ok, I won't bother you any longer, work hard!"

Xu Xu walked with Ye Zi Xi to the door and then back to her seat thinking silently. Then she got a text short while later. "There was someone who asked for your phone number but I didn't give it to them. If he wanted to see my savior, he should show some sincerely right?"

After taking a glance over the text, Xu Xu threw the cellphone aside, continuing to work on the case.

There is an unexpected meal sent to the team at dinner time, called for Xu Xu to receive. It's a very nice meal sent from the restaurant CC. Xu Xu thought it's from her caring brother, so she didn't pay much regard to it.

Later on that night, when Xu Xu called Xu Jun inquiring about the meal, he casually said, he was busy with a meeting the whole evening that he did not have time to be a caring brother to do that for her.

Xu Xu then realized right away whom it's from: "It's Ye Zi Xi."

Xu Jun seems to be quite surprised: "Which Ye Zi Xi?"

"That Ye Zi Xi "

"What? Why did she send you dinner?"

Xu Xu told him about how she saved her, Xu Jun trembled: "Nothing happened to you right?"

"Of course, nothing happened to me." Xu Xu replied.

"What about Ye Zi Xi?"

"She was badly injured then, but she is fine now."

Hearing that, Xu Jun felt relieved. Then he started to tease his sister, saying it is Xu Xu first time receiving a loving meal, however, it's too bad that it actually came from a woman. He heard that Ye Zi Xi is a famous beautiful and intelligent woman, went on asking Xu Xu how she thinks about Ye Zi Xi. Xu Xu furrows her eyebrow says she is very busy that she doesn't have time to chat nonsense with him, thus ended the call.

Who knew after that, the next 2 days Ye Zi Xi would still continue to send lunch and dinner to the station for her? Other than the meal, there is also a big box of fresh fruits, enough to share among everyone in the team.

This action from Ye Zi Xi alarmed the director so he actually came to ask about it personally while also eating some purple mangosteen.

Xu Xu isn't the type of person appreciate being in the center of attention so she called Ye Zi Xi right away about it. But Ye Zi Xi said in a gentle and firm voice, that Xu Xu is working really hard so to show her sincerity, she already ordered and paid for a whole month of meals and fruits which she cannot refund anyway.

Xu Xu was too busy with the case that she cannot be bothered with such trivialities so she lets Ye Zi Xi have her way.

But the case still didn't make any big breakthroughs. Other than the patrolling at the parks, the backup team also investigated people who have criminal history around the area.

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