Chapter 57.1

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It was night. The moonlight night was warm and cool, and autumn in the air.

Yao Meng lived in a 2-bedroom apartment in the urban district. Lin Qingyan was also at home, and he was wearing a set of clothes that matched hers, lofty and fresh. When they saw Ji Bai and Xu Xu at the door, they were somewhat surprised.

The four of them sat on the sofa. Lin Qingyan got up with a small smile: "I'll make tea, you all go ahead and talk."

When she saw Feng Ye's photograph, Yao Meng's eyes momentarily slitted.

"We were High School classmates. I've also heard of the 'Angel Killer' case, but don't know very much about it. What has happened?"

Yao Meng was possibly in danger, so they could not keep the truth from her. Xu Xu took out the basic information on the case and handed it to her. After silently reading the information, Yao Meng's face was slightly flushed, and she nodded: "I see. But, what has this to do with me?"

When she saw the furtively taken photograph of herself, Yao Meng was startled.

Ji Bai asked: "What was your relationship like?"

"Ordinary classmates, nothing more than that."

At this point, Lin Qingyan returned with the tea. On seeing their solemn expressions, he sat down next to Yao Meng and asked softly: "What is it?"

Yao Meng raised her head to smile at him: "It's nothing. They are asking me about a previous classmate."

After chatting for a while more, Ji Bai and Xu Xu stood up: "Then, we won't disturb you any further."

Yao Meng also stood up with a smile on her face: "I'll see you out." She turned to tell Lin Qingyan: "I'll be back very soon."

The three of them walked in silence. When they reached the deserted, tree-shaded avenue outside the compound, Yao Meng said lightly: "Xu Xu, let's talk for a bit." Xu Xu nodded. Ji Bai glanced at them, and walked off to sit in the car.

They found a park bench and sat down, Xu Xu quietly looking at her all the while. Yao Meng looked up at the clear night sky, and said with a wry smile: "Just now, with Qingyan present, I didn't want to mention this. However, even if I don't say anything, you'll find out when you go to the school to investigate – Feng Ye and I . . . were in a relationship for a short while in High School."

A tremor went through Xu Xu's body. Although she had previously seen that Yao Meng had something to hide, she never expected that the two of them would have such a connection.

Yao Meng's voice was quiet: "Having had a relationship with this kind of beast, I really don't know what to say."

Xu Xu took in her mocking expression: "Did you . . . love him very much?"

Yao Meng was startled, and laughingly shook her head: "How could I? I was young then, and foolish."

Was it love? Yao Meng did not know either.

Where Ji Bai was concerned, it was strong adoration mixed with admiration. Although her self-esteem had been bruised after his rejection, it had not been so painful as to render her like one half-dead (死去活来 – hovering between life and death), just desperately lonely. Thus, as they were talking about her relationship with Feng Ye, she had subconsciously wanted to avoid him.

Where Lin Qingyan was concerned, she had a mature, stable, sense of belonging, as if she had found a home to return to. His charm and temperament moved her deeply. However, she could not deny that his wealth and status were also aspects that she had considered. He was more like the marriage partner that Yao Meng had selected.

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