Chapter 65.2

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When Xu Xu regained consciousness, before her eyes was only darkness. She was immediately aware of a thick, heavy cloth covering her entire body, thus the absence of any glimmer of light.

Chills arose in her heart, and she lay still, trying her best to maintain her original position.

She sensed that her wrists and ankles were tightly bound by rope. She was still wearing her clothes, and there was no other discomfort, which was cause for some rejoicing. Underneath her body was a layer of soft fabric, slightly moist. It transmitted the chill to her skin. She could hear the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves on the trees, and the occasional bird call.

Lin Qingyan had really brought her to the snowy forest.

At this time, she heard a woman next to her panting lightly, then the sound of intermittent groaning. The rapid breathing of a man and a woman were intermingled. They seemed to be in an intimate encounter.

When Xu Xu heard this, all the hair on her body stood up.

After a period of time, the movements gradually lessened, and a man's voice asked warmly, "Are you cold?"

A woman's voice answered weakly, "No . . . I'm not cold."

Even though Xu Xu had expected it, she was still startled – it was Lin Qingyan and Yao Meng.

At this time, Lin Qingyan's voice said lightly, "Wife, look at the snowy land. Isn't it beautiful? However, when I'm gone, I will never be able to hold you like this again."

Yao Meng replied, "I don't want you to die . . . I can't bear it . . ."

Lin Qingyan laughed, "Is that true?"

"Of course it's true. You are the most important person in my life. This will never . . . it will never change."

Lin Qingyan was silent for a while. Xu Xu could only heard Yao Meng's noticeably short breaths. Suddenly, Lin Qingyan chuckled again, a pleasant sound, "Then, let's prove this, shall we?"

". . . All right. How do you want to prove it?"

At this, Xu Xu's heart sank. Sure enough, she heard Lin Qingyan getting up, and his footsteps slowly coming closer. The cloth covering her body was roughly snatched away.

The first thing Xu Xu saw was the silent sky, and the dark forest. Then, she saw Yao Meng and Lin Qingyan sitting on the ground just a few paces away. Under all three of them was a huge, white woollen blanket. She was huddled in one corner, and had been under more blankets.

The surrounding terrain was somewhat familiar. She had been here before.

Lin Qingyan had actually brought her to this place.


Lin Qingyan gripped her arm, and in a manner which could be called gentle, was lifting her to sit up, "Can you get up?"

Xu Xu did not dare to disobey him, and pushed herself into a sitting position. She found herself staring directly into Yao Meng's eyes, and both of them were profoundly shaken.

Yao Meng's wrists and ankles were also bound by rope. She wore a loose, plaid cotton shirt, and a fluffy, deep blue long skirt. She was a mess, as several of the shirt buttons were undone, and the skirt was hiked up to the knee. It must be the aftermath of Lin Qingyan's earlier affections. Moreover, she was clearly in poor spirits, and her face was haggard. Xu Xu was not sure if it was due to Lin Qingyan's giving her some drug, or some other means he had employed.

Lin Qingyan watched the both of them staring at each other, and the hint of laughter appeared in his eyes. He grabbed Yao Meng in a embrace, and said softly, "Look, that day, she was the one who called you and caused you to turn around, leading you to be dishonoured by Tan Liang, that blockhead. Don't you just hate her?"

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