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I end up sitting down on lunch break to get more paperwork, scan results to sort and patient information to file looks like any actual lunch is taking a backseat for now.

I plough through some of the easier paperwork and get onto putting away the files in the correct places when someone knocks, I shout for them to come in and low and behold it's the annoying as ever Fletch.
"Hey Jac I know your pretty snowed under so I brought you another coffee just how you like it and your favourite sandwich"
"Thanks can you leave it in my desk"
"Jac can you put the files down for ten seconds please?" I know I have to listen to him or he'll start digging for answers but I don't really have the time
"What do you want Nurse Fletcher?"
"I don't know what to think anymore Jac and why do you keep turning down surgery's you know that rare case I know you wanted to do it so why didn't you? To be honest I'm worried"
"I'm fine Fletch I don't need any of your concern I'm just really busy at the moment and I don't have time to juggle everything ok?" Then his pager bleeps I guess I'm saved from anymore questions but I can't keep lying to him because I think he's starting to see through the cracks in my immaculately built fortress around me and that's never good.
"Oh I guess you saved by the pager, gotta go bed 4 needs his obs doing"
"Ok bye nurse Fletcher" I say calmly and wait for him to leave till I take a sip of the coffee (Oh he actually got it right for once) and opening the sandwich, I need to keep my energy levels up running on minimal sleep.

Fletch's POV:
Jac's really starting to worry me but I don't know anyone that could know anything. Jac's emotions are keep hidden more securely than what goes on in Area 51, so right now I'm at a loss with how to help her.
"Hey Fletch" that could only be Petrenko, her accent is unmistakable, I look around but can't see her
"Here" she says in front of bed 5 which currently has the curtains drawn shut, which I believed was empty.
"Oh is it important because I've got bed 4's obs to do before his stent this afternoon."
"Oh I've already done them I want a word" She's always quite insistent this one
"Ok" I tell her and as she goes between the closed curtains of bed 5 I follow her. Cut it out Adrian why are you wishing Petrenko is Jac right now, Oh god help me if I'm developing a crush on Jac Naylor because I don't know how much of a chance I stand.
"What did you want a word about Frieda?"
"Well I was wondering if you knew anything about Jac because that younger girl the one that's engaged to Ollie I think she's called Zosia she's acting weird and earlier she asks if I knew if Jac was ok. But I said I didn't know anything she has become more distant and I think it's even become a discussion between the F1 on speculations of why she turned down that rare operation. Yes I know Jac's feelings are generally locked up tighter than Fort Knox but I can't help noticing somethings changed."
"Exactly what I was thinking Frieda, you said Zosia asked about her do you think she'll know anything that we don't?"
"It's worth a shot at least although if we get too many people suddenly disappearing into an empty cubicle it might seem less innocent than it is, hang on I think if my calculations are correct the staff room will be empty because our groups lunch break is over page her to go there, anyone ask we're going to scrub in for a surgery that doesn't exist but don't tell them the last past"
"Your mind intrigues me sometimes but that sounds like the best idea we've got because I've got none"

We sneakily go into the, as Frieda predicted, empty staff room and I page Zosia. I'm hoping she's got more information than we do. Hopefully Jac won't catch us because she'll be back out on the wards and I can't even remember when the last time she came in the staff room was.

"You wanted me Fletch is it quick because I've got to do bed 1's surgical assessment"
I fiddle with my pager and page Ollie to go to bed 1 to do the assessment that should give us time and her full attention.
"You don't anymore I've got Ollie to cover it, we just wanted ask did you know if anything was up with Jac? Well because Frieda asked me and she said you asked her earlier so my guess something has gone on before and you want to see if she was ok now"
"Well there was something but Jac wouldn't want you knowing so I'm not going to say anything"
"Zosia most of the department is getting worried, she didn't even shout at an F1 when they got her the wrong coffee this morning she said it didn't matter and she went to get another one herself, Jac never gets her own coffee"
"Still not going to tell you" she really is stubborn at times
"Please Zosia" Frieda chimes in
"It's sensitive and Jac wouldn't want you to know I only found out by accident"
Realising I'm not going to get anywhere I decide to call it a day, "Ok Zosia you can go help Ollie with that assessment now" when Zosia's gone I turn to Frieda
"Well that was a waste of time"
"At least we tried" she says and then I have a lightbulb moment
"It must not be good if Zosia says Jac wouldn't want us to know and she says it's sensitive. How about you go back on the wards while I find Jac and she if I can take another brick out of the wall she's build around her"
"Ok Fletch we got nowhere in reality but at least we got a good idea of nothing much" I chuckle at her weird comment before taking a deep breath in the peace of my being alone. I need to keep going because I can't go back to the kids tonight worrying about her they'll pick up on it and there good at either twisting things or knowing how I feel before I really know myself.

What they don't see - Jac Naylor One Shot Where stories live. Discover now