The fletchlings

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When we get to Fletch's we go in to find Raf playing with Theo on the living room floor and I stand back a bit as Fletch Thanks Raf but then he sees me but there's an easy fix to that, a Jac Naylor specialty glare because he seems to know I mean business I mean every ward does Darwin, Keller,AAU I could go on.
Then I hear Theo, "hey daddy why is Jac here, where's Emma can I play pirates with her?"
"Emma's not her at the minute Theo it's just Jac Look let's put you to bed and we'll see about Emma coming round another day.
Fletch's looks to go up the stairs before remembering I'm stood here ,"Oh Jac you can go sit in the living room if you want put the TV on, the others shouldn't bother coming down till the morning now they normally stay up there after tea unless they want to watch the TV"
"Ok thanks Fletch"
"No problem..." he turns to Theo who he's lifted up in his arms " little man lets get you ready for bed"

I end up getting comfy on Fletch's sofa now realising that it's now the sun is setting and it's nearly 8 o'clock and knowing Fletch give it another hour and I'll probably end up in his spare room for the night. I decide to put on one those American crime shows with all the different characters and crazy crimes, this one is 'NCIS' and I also watch 'Law and Order' from time to time.
"You enjoying yourself wouldn't take you as one from crime dramas I'd call you more of a documentary type of girl"
"People aren't always what they seem Adrian that's something you should learn in life" he chuckles at the way I put it before he shifts a few inches closer to me and I focus on what's happening with the TV. I end up watching two episodes of NCIS before deciding that I should probably call it a day because if Fetch will let me drive back I've got to get some sleep tonight.

Without processing it all till it happened somehow between now and two hours ago Fletch's arm is now around my shoulders and I'm sort of laying on his shoulder aswell.
"Hey I probably should get going to get some sleep I've got the early shift."
"You know there's no need you can you just sleep in the spare room if you want tomorrow then just go home before your shift to get changed." I ponder it for a while because I don't know how much longer I can be around him but I'm confused about why.
"Go on then"
"Ok I'm guessing your prepared like you are for everything but if your not we can sort that."
"Oh I knew you were probably going to try and keep me once it got late so I brought pyjamas and my toothbrush and toothpaste."
"I thought so, I'm guessing you know where the spare room is but I'll come up as well because I think I'm going to try and catch up on some sleep" I end up waiting patiently as Fletch turns all the lights out and all the electrics off downstairs before we both go up, making the situation even harder to decipher is the fact that the spare room is next to Fletch's.
"Night Jac"
"Night Fletch" I sat back to him kindly before going into the spare room and dumping my handbag by the foot of the bed and before even bothering to change I flip down onto the bed, I don't know why I can't make sense of all of this. First fletch invades my privacy then he's really nice and then let's me stay and he seemed pretty happy and even I'm feeling ok.

I end up taking my jumper off to get changed when I reminded of the bandages and that makes me realise something else that for the first night in over two months I haven't had any urges to cut or any bad feelings at all, I think company might be what I need because even though I've got Emma she's five so she doesn't understand everything. I can get an intelligent conversation with her about the three times table or 'Ben and holly' but not much more.

I get back to the task at hand and take off all the bandages before throwing them back in my handbag because I can't really put them in a bin here because then he'll know everything, I'll get rid of them tomorrow when I go back to get changed. I get my pyjamas on before picking up my phone and getting into bed just one message which was a goodnight from Emma sent by Jonny. She's a lovely girl really she's my pride and joy it's a shame I can't spend more time with her because of the job.

What they don't see - Jac Naylor One Shot Where stories live. Discover now