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Still Fletch's POV:
I spend the two hours that is left in my shift between patients and looking for Jac but I can't seem to find her she might be in an operation because I haven't check the list today but I don't think so.  I grab my coat and bag from my office before going to get the kids from their after school things, when I see Frieda again.
"Any luck?" I ask her
"No but we can carry on the dead end search for the women who got extra brain cells instead of a heart tomorrow"
"You do have some weird descriptions of people but they are somehow amusing, I've got to go get my kids and I'm going to have to put on my best dad's ok smile so they don't see right through me."
"Oh children have a habit of doing that I know I've got two cousins for some reason that are good at that" Frieda tells me
"Reassuring" I say as we get into the the lift I've got a feeling that this will be a long night.

Back to Jac's POV:
I know that tonight's going to be quiet and lonely because Emma is at her dad's and I don't possess the thing many people regard as friends. They always seem to find a way to hurt you intentional or not.

I end up getting up off the sofa and getting a glass of red wine, despite it only being 6 o'clock and me not really wanting food I don't care it's not like anyone is going to need to see me between now and the morning.
Then my phone buzzes and I put the glass down it's probably just something stupid but I pick it up anyway just for something to read, I've got a message from Fletch. Anyone but him I'd appreciate a message from anyone else right now but him, he's getting too close to me and I can't let that happen. I decide to read it and open the message app I mean what's the worst that could happen?

Hi is everything ok you seemed a bit off earlier, Fletch x

I think for a bit before typing out a simple reply,
'Yes thanks I was just tired didn't get much sleep last night and my brain hadn't had enough caffeine to work properly yet. Jac'

Then for some reason he sent me another one I thought that one would throw him off,
'I don't even believe that through text anymore because earlier Zosia asked me if she knew how you were now, you can talk to me if you want. F x'

Now that one feels more patronising and sappy and anyway what the heck is Zosia doing?! I need to shut him up somehow,
'Why don't you believe me and Zosia is probably just being nosy about why I didn't do that rare surgery, there's nothing to worry about Fletch'
Knowing in my own head it's a lie and getting back up and going to the kitchen. The size of the blade in the bottom draw of my desk right now doesn't feel like enough and I grab a small kitchen knife before going upstairs to the bathroom where the medical supplies are because I know this isn't going to be pretty but I need to get him out of my head because anyone who's close to me only gets hurt. I put my phone on the window ledge before getting to work.

By the time I've finished the sink looks more red than white and my phone has buzzed at least 10 times I think he tired to call me once aswell.
I look at the last message and my heart sinks,
'I'm coming over Jac your address is in the system you know'
That was twenty minutes ago it only takes 15 minutes to get from Holby to here. I go into Panic mode and start trying to clean everything up as quick as I can, I grab a jumper and pull it over my head to hide my now freshly bandaged arm before double checking there's no evidence left behind as I dump the knife in the dishwasher there's knock at the front door, looks like I'm ready just in time...

What they don't see - Jac Naylor One Shot Where stories live. Discover now