Catch you out

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"Fletch What are you doing I said I was fine"
"I didn't quite believe you ok and why is so hot in here and your wearing a damn jumper how are you still alive take it off!"
"It'll just be the thermostat I guess" I leave him at the door to go down the hall to the thermostat leaving him a chance to come in and as I expected he does he's not leaving till he's been coned into the fact that I'm ok. I'm going to have to use my best facade but for some reason I don't want to be so harsh with him.
"Well as you seem to want to stay do you want a drink?"
"May as well I got Raf to look after the kids told him that I had something to sort didn't say what though and I'll have a coffee white one sugar"
"Ok one coffee coming up" it's not until I see Fletch has turned the corner to the living room that I realise that half of the glass of wine is still on the coffee table. I push it out of my mind as I make us both coffees and then go back.
"You been drinking?" He asks pointing at the glass
"Only half of one glass Fletch!" I pick up the glass and go back into the kitchen and put it on the dining table for now. When I go back I seem at a bit of a loss for where to sit I don't want to sit next to him and seem too interested but too far away and he'll only be more suspicious. I try to find some sort of middle ground before I take a sip and he starts to try and talk to me.
"I know you probably think I'm being too forward worrying so much but when you've got kids it's in your nature right you seem to naturally look out for everyone else as much as you look out for them."
"You won't take no for an answer will you?" He looks at me confused
"Well you won't believe I'm fine till I prove it but there's nothing for you to see"
"Well let me tell you what I've observed over the past month or so ok then you can feel free to chuck me out if you want"
"Go on then" I know by almost pushing him on he's either going to get it wrong or bang on right but I want know what he knows now, the fear in me seems to rise before he's even said anything but I keep my poker face on giving him the same stare as I do to everyone else every day at work.
"Well one your not taking on barely any surgery's and your doing more and more admin work rather than out on the floor. Secondly it's nearly summer and you always wear that undershirt under your scrubs your like Frieda with the black tops that I've never seen her not wear. Then there's the fast that I think your eating less because we don't see you around and if we do your working through your lunch break woman!"
"Yes all of that has perfectly plausible explanations thank you"
"Well what are they then Jac" I stammer for a few minutes with Um's before my mind goes blank and he really starts to dig his heals in.
"You know it boiling in here right?" He takes off his thin jumper and looks at me funny for my thick one.
"You must be boiling why won't you take your jumper off, go get changed so your cooler while I finish my coffee" I decide I have to do as I'm told or he'll find out everything if he didn't know enough already. I end up going for a thinner sweatshirt but thick enough so you can't see the bandages unless you grab my arm and feel them and some older jeans and I replace my boots with a fluffy pair of socks to walk around in. When I go back downstairs I take in Fletch's appearance because of the heat a thin polo shirt and a pair of jeans matched with what I think are his work trainers when he wears scrubs from time to time.
"Jac do you want to come to mine and see the kids they like you for some reason and I don't know why" he chuckles insinuating that it was a joke but it would be nice to have some company. Although I can see what will happen and decide to plan ahead.
"Ok I'm just going to grab my handbag" I head upstairs and get a pair of pyjamas for tonight, I'll leave a set of clothes for tommorow because even though I've got an early shift start I may as well take my car to Fletch's then come back in these clothes from today to get some work clothes then go to work in the morning. It's already around half 7 and give it another hot and I know Fletch being the persistent man he is is going to want to try and trick me out to find out everything I'm hiding from him...

What they don't see - Jac Naylor One Shot Where stories live. Discover now