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A/N: Sorry about the lack of updates over the past few weeks, I have had end of year Art and Textiles exam aswell as a IT theory exam but hopefully I wil now have a lot more time to update, thank you for sticking with me , Eddie x

When Jonny brings Emma back she's a bundle of energy and I'm the complete opposite.
"Mummy, mummy can we make cakes with choc chips in?" She's jumping up and down getting all excited but I don't have the energy to do this, it makes me feel bad because she's my daughter and I want to spend time with her when I can. Then I remember Theo was asking for Emma last night and Fletch will have just finished his shift, as much as I don't want to talk to anyone he seems like a good solution that way Theo and Emma could bake cakes so it's pleased everyone, well everyone but me because I don't exactly want to have to see him again.
I pick up my phone and text him before turning to Emma as knowing Fletch he'll try to keep me again as it's nearly dinner time and by the time we make cakes and get cleared up again at his It'll be around Emma's time for bed.
"Hey Emma we're going to go to Fletch's and bake cupcakes so can you. Go get your pyjamas for me?"
"Ok Mummy I like Fletch he's funny!" As Emma toddles off up the stairs I type a text to Fletch,
'Hey Fletch, Emma wanted to bake cakes and I don't really have the energy today but I remember what Theo said yesterday so do you mind if we come round and bake cakes at yours? Jac' I get an almost instant reply just as Emma toddles back down with her pink flower pyjamas in her hands.
'Your more than welcome come over whenever you want we can order pizza for tea if you want be a nice treat for the kids aswell, Fletch x'
I turn back to Emma who's now looking up at me, "Thanks Emma lets go upstairs and get you some clothes for me and me some stuff ok, we're probably going to have a sleepover at Fletch's ok?"
"Oh sleepover can we watch a film and eat popcorn?"
"I'll see about it when we get there munchkin"

We end up driving over to Fletch's within 15 minutes and when we get there we see Theo sat on the window ledge looking out of the front room window, looks like Fletch told him we were coming because as soon as I get Emma out of the car Theo gets down and Fletch comes to the front door.
"Hey Jac, Hey little one you grown another inch or two?" He jokes with Emma with that big goofy grin on his face that always seems to make kids smile, Emma chuckles at him,
"Are we making cake Uncle Fletch?"
"Yes we are kiddo now I think Theo wants to see you" he says pointing to Theo who surprisingly is waiting patiently in the hallway and Emma walks off to him and into the living room.
"She's cute" Fletch says to me
"She's got my genes then..." I joke with him, "... thanks for this I just didn't have the energy to be running around a hot kitchen after a five year old then trying to sort dinner at the same time, I don't know what that makes me"
"That doesn't make you a bad mother Jac you've just got too much on your mind right now, Well how about I put Evie in charge of the other 4 kids and they can all bake cake and I'll get them to shout me when they want the oven, obviously we'll have to check on them but Evie's a teenager and she likes baking so I think she'll be ok following the usual cake recipe"
"You've probably just jinxed it when we check on them you'll probably find cake batter up the walls!"
"I hope not so I was thinking while the kids bake we could have a chat or watch stupid Tele for a bit"
"Sounds good to me"

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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