Is the colab happening? (6)

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*Y\N PoV*

It was a few days after the whole dinner at the restaurant incident and I was now waiting with Got6 and BTS at a practice room for Jaebum and Namjoon to come back from talking with JYP and Bang PD-nim.

It had been a while so I decided to do a random kpop dance challenge of the the rest. Yugbam was all about it and when I looked over at BTS, Hoseok and Jimin were smiling and nodding. I went to the stereo system and plugged in my phone. I put on my music playlist and started dancing with the rest of them. Soon enough the only ones left were me, Yugi and Hoseok. It was really fun and we were laughing and it was so funny that even the others joined in. They didn't dance but they were laughing and making fun of us in a playful matter and it felt so good.

That was until I tripped on myself and fell on Hoseok. Normally, I would've laughed it off but I couldn't. I was just there, on top of him on the ground. The whole room had gone silent but the music was still playing. I felt my cheeks heating up and when I looked at Hoseok he was also a little bit pink cheeked. That actually lasted a few seconds -even though it felt like centuries- because Jin, being the amazing mother he is, pulled me up and went frantic over the fact that I ripped my sweats... Not that I mind his concern but I think that's the 4th pair this week. I'm too clumpsy~

Me- Jin.. Jin.. JIN! Oh for Christ's sake.. I'm just fine oppa~
Jin- *deep sigh* fine.. I'll let it go this time..

I stopped the music and we all sat down. Hoseok went to sit next to me but he just received a death glare from Bambam and he left. What's his problem? Like, okay, Bambam is my Got7 bias. But I got over that because we literally share the same room!

Then, Jaebum and Namjoon walked in and told us that the song will be written by them while the rap parts will be taken care of by Yoongi and Jackson. The choreography will be made by Hoseok, Jimin, Liv, Yugi, Bambam and.. Me..? I got taken back when he mentioned my name but I was extremely happy! The other ones left would be in charge of taking care of us while we're working because we can all get easily affected by our work. After the choreography and song is done we'll record it and start teaching everyone the dance.

Me- This is going to be fun!~

My statement earned a few smiles and some chuckles. What I noticed though was that two boys couldn't get their eyes off me...

Bambam and Hoseok...

-to be continued-

(Jk jk here it is~)

Once my gaze landed on theirs, they just looked away.. Weird.. My hyungs all left to go work and the 6 of us stayed there and started thinking of how it could go. We knew how the beat was so we quickly went to work. It was long till Jinyoung and Mark walked in and told us to make a break. It had been 5 hours yet they passed by so quickly.

We got to know each other better and I have to say that they are all very sweet and I couldn't be happier at that moment.

Me- Jiminieee~~~
Jm- Yes Y\N-ie?~
Me- Can you help me with this part? I can't seem to be getting the hang of it..
Jm- Yeah su-
Hs- I'll help you Y\N-ah!~

Jimin rolled his eyes and sat down. What? He'll leave Hobi off like that? I shrugged it off thinking he was taken over by tiredness and let Hobi help me. After a while, I finally got it right and I was now smiling widely. Jiminie, Yugi and Liv were now asleep on the ground. I looked around for Bambam and he was nowhere to be found..? I blinked rapidly not knowing why he just suddenly left. It wasn't even 6pm yet and he had left.. Weird.. A lot of weird things have been happening today but I chose to ignore them all. It was probably the fact that 2 groups from 2 different companies will he working together all of a sudden. Yeah, that was it...

Or was it?

*A\N PoV*
Please don't kill me! I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a while but school got me and I had to study for exams during Spring Break.. Anyways.. Here it is~

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