Explanations and Connections (11)

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The situation was indeed very confusing but I got over it eventually -even though it took like an hour of consant questions about my past. What was really bothering me though was what I had seen in my "dream". How did the kpop thing get in my head? Did I invent 2 groups? Did I just compose songs in my brain?

I nodded and chuckled lightly as Bambam finished explaining -yet another- story of our childhood. Wow, I did forget a lot. I was getting my memories back so I decided to ask them about the kpop thing and why my dream had occurred to begin with.

Me- Well.. I would love to continue talking about these things guys but there's something bothering me.. A lot to be honest..

They nodded and turned their full attention on me, getting ready to answer any of my questions. Just like what they had been doing ever since I got up.

Me- They say that dreams also hide a small part of reality in them. What about my (NCT) dream? What happened that made me create all of this? Got7 and BTS can't have been just a creation of my head.
Mark- You are indeed correct Y\N. Got7 wasn't a creation of your head nor was BTS. Both groups existed and you loved both dearly.
Me- So? Why did I dream of them? There just be a reason behind me dreaming of a whole year in my head which baf to do with 2 kpop groups.

He gulped and turned his gaze elsewhere not being able to look at me in the eyes. Jinyoung nudged Jaebun to talk. He hadn't talked much ever since he saw me so maybe explaining this may help his shyness.

Jaebum- W-well.. There are connections between the 2 companies.. BigHit had been eyeing you for a while but since you were -and still are- our sister, you joined Got7 and it became Got8. Your stage name would be Harmony. The accident happened while we were promoting our newest album 'LOOK' and after that, we finished promotions and then took a break. We had promised that our next album would be with a new member so we couldn't much without you. It was really heart breaking that you weren't here physically. You couldn't say your lame jokes which only Jin-hyung laughed to. We all blamed ourselves for not helping you. In any way possible. The biggest fault was mine.. I sh-should've been more c-care-ful..

I cut him off by hugging him tightly. How much did I miss his warmth. His arms wrapped around me securely, squeezing me tightly not wanting to let go of me but also softly as if I were extremely fragile.

Me- Stop blaming yourself Jaebum-oppa.. You guys too.. It was none of you guys faults that the accident happened..

I gave him one last squeeze and pulled away. I was still sitting on his lap though. All of them were looking at me so I smiled at them. I got up and sat down on the floor next to Bambam and Yugyeom, or better yet Kunpi and Yuggs~

Me- Who will continue the story? What about BTS? Are they a group too?
Youngjae- Oh no, they're not.
Me- Then..?
Jackson- Their leader, Namjoon or RM, is indeed my friend but he works in an office in BigHit Ent.

I nodded a bit since I didn't really remember it.

Jinyoung- Jin and I met while we were all at the hospital when you were born. Since then, we've been close friends and he became a doctor which is how we managed to get you here.
Me- But why was he at the hospital..?
Jinyoung- Oh, Jimin had just been born so he had gone along with his parents to visit him.
Me- What..? Why?
Jinyoung- Because the 7 boys in BTS are in the same position the 8 of us are in.

That surprised me by a lot and I was left speechless. I nodded my head after a minute or two indicating them to continue.

Youngjae- I met Hoseok at the playground and we became really close friends. He is now a professional race car driver which wasn't surprising as he always liked cars.

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