Changes (16)

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And so, breakfast began. Yells and laughs echoed throughout the entire dorm but it was okay because that was a sign that everything was okay. Sitting down to eat the breakfast made I could only smile at how different these 7 boys I have as brothers are. Early birds and morning haters. How much I didn't want to ruin the atmosphere was as big as how much I wanted to tell them about my dreams. And so, gathering up whatever courage I had, I told them the two dreams I had. They only nodded and happily said that I'm gaining my memories back and I believed them. They're my brothers after all, why would they ever lie to me?

Breakfast was soon finished and they left to go either to school or their jobs and I was left alone in the house. But not for long as just minutes after the last boy had left the dorm, a knock was heard on the door. I went to answer and I smiled at the person in front of me.

Me- Olivia! How come you're here?

I let her in and she immediately got comfortable. She must come here often then.

Olivia- Heya girlie~! Your brothers left and I thought you might want some company so here I am~
Me- Awh, how thoughtful of you~
Olivia- Why do you think you had me as your best friend ever since you joined Har- eh Y\N?
Me- Joined where..?
Olivia- Oh uh.. Oh! Yeah right, I forgot about your amnesia, ever since you joined the race car races that my brother, your boyfriend, is in.
Me- Ah yeah, fair point then I guess.

And so the day went on, we played and gossiped and she brought back some wonderful memories as well as a few memories that deeply confused me but they weren't important at the time. As the day slowly came to an end and more of the boys were coming home, we bid goodbye and she left.

They were all so tired but even then they had enough energy to make me smile. Jinyoung started making dinner and I gladly helped him while Bambam and Yugyeom were fooling around next to us. I was close to laughing before Jinyoung reprimanded them and they left. He smiled watching them leave though, a loving smile, we're all siblings after all.
Once dinner was ready, it was served to only 6 people. Why? Because Jackson and Mark were asleep on the couch. They seemed like the most tired. I kind of felt bad for them.. They had busy schedules and all I was doing was chill at home but I guess that's what happens when you've gone through a coma of months.

Yug- Yaaaah Y\N!! You're spacing out again, you okay?
Me- Yeah Yuggie, I'm fine, calm down~
Yug- Alriiiight..
Bam- Are you going to eat that Youngjae-Hyung? No? Okay thank youuuuu
Youngjae- Bambam!!!

Laughs were heard but I couldn't laugh with them. It kind of felt.. Staged...
Nah, just my brain playing tricks with me again. Nothing to worry about, Y\N.
That's what I told my self. For what seemed like the 100th time that day. I was in a coma though, this is explainable, right?

Jaebum- Hey, Y\N! Are you paying attention to us?
Me- Ah sorry oppa, I wasn't really, sorry, my brain was travelling to somewhere else~

An unreadable expression crossed all of their faces, kind of like fear, surprise and déja-vu all at once. But it didn't last long, only mear moments so it could've been my brain playing tricks on me yet again.

Jaebum- It's fine, I was just asking you to pass me the salt.
Me- Oh, here~

I passed him the salt shaker but he didn't even use it. I rolled my eyes and continued eating, damn are they weird.


Dinner was done sooner or later and I excused myself to the bathroom. I washed my teeth and hands and then returned to help Youngjae wash the dishes since it was his turn. The other guys had gone to the living and started talking about something I couldn't understand since Youngjae was talking to me.

Once we were done, we went to the living room. Jackson got up and went to get us some glasses of water. We continued talking about how their days had been and I was slightly confused, why were they THAT tired after their jobs? Like how? It's like they were fighting monsters or something. I shook my head a bit to get that thought out of my head. No, that's ridiculous.

Jackson came back with our glasses. I took mine and drank it all down. I was thirsty, what can I say?
We kept fooling around for a couple of minutes when my tiredness kicked in, harshly. It was unexpected but I figured it was explainable, I'm not alright medically yet that's what I told myself. Soon I was up on my feet and bidding goodnight to the boys. They seemed rather confused and when I explained why, all they did was look at Jackson weirdly as if he had anything to do about it. Weird boys, very weird boys. And so I was off to bed where I thought I could take a break from all the weirdness, oh how naïve of me to think that.


Tossing and turning on my bed, I had an uneasy sleep. Dreams -or rather nightmares- filled my train of thought. What confused me the most is how could they do this..? No no no, it must be a joke, a pretty bad one to be quite honest..

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