Chapter 3.

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2 days later...

The sun was at its peak, and for once, everything seemed to be a little bit more peaceful than it had been in recent months. Mayor Moore was awaiting the arrival of the stagecoach where his new Marshall was on his way into town. Ramsay Colt was the grandson of another district Marshall that Oliver's late father was very good acquaintances with, and he telegraphed Marshal Archer Colt's home office, requesting a favor. At first, when he got the first telegram from the office, it explained that at the moment they didn't have anyone available since the senior Marshall had left to help an acquaintance in England. But then two weeks later, another telegram arrived, explaining that the grandson of the Marshall has decided to take up the post.

With the recent gang activity and the death of their previous sheriff, Oliver felt like if he didn't do anything in regards to safeguarding his town of Bannack would cease to be a family community and turn into a criminal Gang location.

Oliver glanced at his pocket watch and watched the minute hand make its way very slowly towards the twelve. What was taking so long, he was asking himself, hopefully, the stage wasn't getting robbed just now. Just as that thought entered his mind, and a scene was forming in his thoughts the sounds of the reigns and the calls from the driver neared ever closer. With a relieved sigh, Oliver slipped his pocket watch back into his vest pocket and strode towards the door to wait for Ramsay to descend from the coach.

The stagecoach arrived at his destination, and after getting out of the coach and stretching his legs, Ramsay grabbed his luggage and unhitched his horse from the back of the coach. He stood still for a moment and assessed his surroundings.

Waiting in front of him stood a portly gentleman standing on the boardwalk, Ramsay assumed that the man in question must be the mayor and his new boss. "Papa, don't forget me." The child behind him pleaded. Setting his bags on the ground, Ramsay turned and lifted his five-year-old son from the seat of the coach and held him in his arms and approached the mayor.

At first, when Oliver saw the man standing in the middle of the street, he was sure that this man was the new Sheriff! But when he saw the man turn and grab a hold of the young boy he suddenly wasn't so sure. Inwardly Oliver heaved a sigh and shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the man and child intending to see for himself if his suspicions were correct.

"Excuse me, would you happen to be our new Marshall?"

Oliver asked. Ramsay looked to the man and nodded,

"Yes, sir. It's nice to meet you, Mayor Moore. My granddad said that your town didn't have a sheriff and that I should take the position."

He then looked down to his son and smiled,

"This is my son Joey. I couldn't leave him with my granddad since Granddad Archer left to help a friend in England solve a crisis. So I brought him with me, that won't be a problem will it?"

Oliver smiled,

"No problem what's so ever, Bannack is a family community, or at least it was before the criminal gangs began showing up in the vicinity. However now that you're here, I hope that we can rectify that. Since we'll be seeing each other on a regular business, how about we disregard the formalities and call each other by our given names? And before I show you around town and your new office and living space, how about we go to my home and get some lunch? My wife, Gloria would love to welcome you and Joey, and if you have no objections, Gloria can look after Joey after lunch and we'll resume the tour."

Ramsay nodded, "that's most appreciated Oliver, and I would like that."

After they had their lunch and Joey was being looked after by Gloria, both Ramsay and Oliver went walking down the street and was heading towards the sheriff's office. Once inside, Oliver cleared his throat and spoke again to Ramsay.

"Thanks again for coming to our little town, Ramsay; it means a lot to have someone protect it and its citizens from the crime that sometimes hit us, even though it doesn't happen that often."

The mayor said.

"No need to praise me, Oliver. So let's get down to business shall we?"

Ramsay said as he headed to his desk. He was about to speak when the door to the jail burst open, and in its doorway was a pretty and panicked, sweaty and very pregnant woman standing in the threshold. Breathing in gasps of air, Rosie swiped her forehead and sighed with relief...

"Thank god you're here sheriff, I need your help!"

Pinning on the tin star that Oliver gave to him a few minutes earlier, Ramsay approached her and escorted her to his chair and waited for her to regain her breath.

"Now what can I do for you Mrs...?"


Oliver supplied her name to him.

"Ah, yes Mrs. Pearson?"

"Please sheriff, you must go check on the Eden residence. I am really worried about Savannah and her sweet little sister. She hasn't been to the general store in these last two days, which is very odd for those two."

"When was the last time you spoke with Savannah Eden?"

After taking a gulp of water that Oliver supplied, she pondered on that question,

"It was about two days ago, She was looking for some work and asked me if I had any tasks for her, which I did, any way to make a long story short, she came back to buy some ingredients, she said that she would definitely take the job of doing the cooking and cleaning for you sheriff and I haven't seen her since. What's more, neither my husband nor I have heard from their father, which has made me very worried. Jon Eden is known for having a vicious temper and prone to violence as well as abusing not only Savannah but that sweet little girl of his as well! Please, you must come with me and check up with them, will you? Will you please come with me and inquire as to their welfare sheriff?"

Rosie Pearson pleaded.

It was the smell of medical alcohol that awoke her, not to mention the worry Savannah had for Quinn that caused her to wake up. But she experienced a rush of momentum when she got up too quickly, and because of that, it caused her to collapse back onto the bed once more. Just at that moment the curtain that separated the room from the waiting room opened and in walked Rosie carrying a loaded tray of bandages and a bottle of what Savannah believed to be laudanum. Nasty bitter stuff in her opinion. "Good, you're awake, how are you feeling?" Savannah groaned and raised her hand to her head, "What happened?"

Realizing that Quinn wasn't anywhere near her, Savannah began to panic. A tear fell from her eye as it ran down her cheek, wiping away the tear; Savannah turned her plead full face back towards Rosie,

"Where's Quinn? Where's my little sister?"

Rosie looked away from her closed her eyes and sighed,

"Savannah, honey; There's something I must tell you. When I, the mayor and the new sheriff found you and Quinn; the sight of what happened nearly made me want to become sick. You were severely wounded. You had blood coming from a wound on your head and your arm was covered in bruises as it was bent behind you. It was very tricky trying to get you to Dr. Brown's place without causing any more damage, but we did it. We were so focused on you and your injury that we completely forgot about Quinn, that is until Ramsay Colt, that's our new sheriff came striding in with little Quinn in his arms. Apparently, he found her in another room of the house lying beneath the bed with also a head wound as well. Dr. Brown did all he could but we will have to wait and see, what will be the outcome when she comes too. Savannah, it's a miracle you have awakened at all, we have been nursing you and Quinn back to health these last four days, and only you have awakened, but as I can see, you are still tired. Here take this medicine for now, and once you awaken again I promise I'll take you to see where Quinn is. Rest now, dear."

A Loving Vow To Be Made (Book 1 of The Loving You Series)Where stories live. Discover now