Chapter 9.

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When the darkness disappeared from Ramsay's mind, he became aware that his forehead had a cool wet cloth on it. When he opened his eyes, he also saw Rosie sitting at his bedside. "What happened?" He asked as he rose from the bed. Rosie stopped him with her hand, "You mustn't get up too quickly. Timothy found you nearly beaten behind your office! Dr. Brown was here earlier. Aside from the large lump on your head, you seem to be fine."

Ramsay took the chance and swung his legs over the bed and stood up. It seemed that Timothy carried him into the stockroom, and had Rosie watch him; he also got to see that he wasn't alone. It looked like the whole town was in there as well. When he looked back to Rosie, he caught a worried look on her face, she was Ringling her hand and biting her lips. "Is there is something you're not telling me, Rosie? What is wrong?" Rosie reached into her apron pocket and held a note out to him, it looked like the same note that Charles received earlier today. After reading it, Ramsay crushed the paper in his fist, "We must find their lair. Not only did they kidnapped Charles Family but they have Savannah and Quinn and my son too. Before we depart, I will need some help here in town, who will volunteer to become a deputy?" There was total silence in the room until Jim and Aaron Weiss,  the two elder sons of Tanner Weiss spoke up. "We will take the post-Sherrif!"

Ramsay nodded, "Good anyone else?" A few others volunteered. While everyone was talking, Timothy went back into the storefront and headed to the stores gun closet. As he was wiping them down and getting them loaded, Rosie came up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. She was leaning her head on his shoulder and found herself beginning to weep, "Promise me that you'll be careful. Our baby needs a father around." She said, as her tears continued to flow down her face. Timothy set the gun on the counter turned around and pulled her into his arms. He kissed her on the forehead and wiped away her tears, "Nothing is going to happen, my love. You must not cry, it's not good for the baby or for you to weep all the time. You're so close to your delivery date my dear, so perk up and smile for me."

Rosie sniffed and smiled. Their little moment was interrupted when everyone was exiting the back room. Every capable person was grabbing their rifles and ammunition. Timothy was about to follow them when Ramsay stopped him. He reached into his back pocket and retrieved the book he confiscated from Jon Eden. "I retrieved this from Jon last night, I believe it belongs to you now Timothy. Read it, you'll find the truth you've been looking for." After that, Ramsay left him standing by the stores front entrance... "The truth about what?"

Timothy wondered, shrugging his shoulders, he went back to the counter and placed the book next to the register. Two hours later and with no word from the posse, Rosie and Timothy closed the general store and retired to their sitting room upstairs. Rosie was sipping her tea when she spotted the book on the table, "What's this Tim?" She asked him with a puzzled look on her face. Timothy looked up from writing into the store's daily log and looked to his wife,

"Sheriff Colt gave it to me when he told me to stay in town. He said it would answer all the questions I would need." Tim replied back in an irritated tone. "Do you suppose that he would mind if I read it?" She asked after she sat back down on the sofa. "Knock yourself out darling,"

Timothy replied. Without replying back to her husband, Rosie opened the book; she intended to read it from the beginning when she realized that the first pages were stuck to the cover and only a few entries were written in the middle. She was taking another sip of her tea when her eyes caught the words about Jack and she choked. Gulping for air, Rosie cleared her throat,

"Tim! Timothy, you must read this!!" She said as she came to his side and tapped on his shoulder. "I'm busy my dear, I'll read it sometime later." Rosie frowned, she got up from the sofa; ripping the log book out of his hands she threw it down on the floor. "Timothy Isaiah Pearson! You may be my husband, but I am your wife! Now when I say read it! YOU have too." She nearly shouted as she shoved the book into his hands, Rosie stomped back over to the sofa and gulped down the rest of her tea. Tim stared at his wife then burst out laughing, Laughing at her expression of anger and frustration, Timothy smiled and addressed his wife.

"My love, frowning doesn't suit you, come here, if you want me to read it, I will, but I think it would be better to read it together don't you agree?" Nodding Rosie sat closer to him and then they opened the book and started to read it..... (Diary Entry)

"Before I could warn her about Jack, she asked me if I would shelter her with me and take care of her until the baby was born. I was shocked at first, but seeing the look on her face, I couldn't say no to her, after all, she was my best friend. I said I would help but then I remembered my husband. Jon had become too violent of late and I was having doubts about my safety. If she lived with me then I would be jeopardizing her as well. Without further thought I quickly ran into my room and pulled out my carpetbag; I filled it with some clothing and money then I scribbled a note to Jon and ran out the door with Rachel. It was a few weeks later Rachel went into labor. After sixteen hours and no sighting of the child, I was worried that she wouldn't survive the ordeal. Finally, in the early morning, Rachel gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. But then soon after birth, she became very ill. With my limited knowledge of nursing, I tried my very best to make her feel better. I was so worried that the sickness would take her away forever. I prayed to god with all my heart that night, hoping that she would recover. After two more days of worrying over her, Rachel's fever broke at last.

November 4th, 1842 in Bannack, Montana.

Dear Diary,

"I was finally able to coax Rachel into taking in some nourishment which made me very glad to see that she was improving. Suddenly the silence was broken by the hungry wails of the baby, I wanted to wait to ask Rachel what she wanted to name the child but I was hesitant. When I held out the baby for her to take a hold of her I was surprised when she refused to hold her. "But Rachel, she's your baby, I thought that you surely would want to hold her. Listen to her cry, she wants her mother!" Rachel turned her head away from the crying infant and shed some tears.

"No. She's not mine anymore. Ruth, could you raise her for me? Please?" I was taken back by her request, I mean I know she was in shock and so was I but to take someone else's child I wondered that if I accepted that I was making the right choice. I was about to refuse her when I looked into her eyes, they were so filled with such sorrow. I sighed and bent down to hug her. "Rachel, honey if you truly wish for me take care of the baby then I'll do it but before I do, please give her a name." Rachel wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled at me, "I would like to name her after my grandmother. I'll call her Savannah."

A Loving Vow To Be Made (Book 1 of The Loving You Series)Where stories live. Discover now