Chapter 17.

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Savannah whispered to him. Jon kissed her on the forehead and smiled. "Why don't you say we forget what just happened here and continue with the wedding, honey?" Everyone nodded in agreement and turned back to the front of the church. Reverend Samson cleared his throat and re-opened the pages in his Bible to find where he left off. Reverend Samson turned to Aaron and asked for the rings. Aaron placed the ring in the palm of Ramsay's hand. Ramsay then turned to Savannah and as he was slipping the ring on her finger he said, "I, Ramsay Daniel Colt, give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love."

Next was Savannah's turn. Aimee placed the gold wedding band in Savannah's hand, she then turned towards soon to be husband and she slipped it on his finger, she said. "I, Savannah Alyssa Eden, give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love." Reverend Samson smiled then he took both of their hands and held them together, "By virtue of the authority vested in me under the laws of God, I now pronounce you husband and wife. What God has joined together, let no one tear apart. You may kiss the bride."

Ramsay lifted Savannah's vail and kissed her. Everyone applauded and cheered for the happy couple. Quinn then went to Ramsay and waited for him to pick her up, when he held her in his arms, she kissed his cheek and hugged him. "Does this mean I get to call you daddy now?" Ramsay kissed her on the forehead and nodded, "Sure does sweetheart."

Both Jon and Timothy came towards them and each took a hold of Joey and Quinn and walked them over to the refreshment table so that the new couple could get a chance to be alone for a little while. He wrapped his arms around Savannah's waist and pulled her closer to him, "I'm glad you're my wife darling, thank-you for agreeing to it in the first place." Savannah placed her hands on his face and pulled him closer to her and kissed him, "Your welcome, my love."  

Apparently, the town had a surprise waiting for them, to Ramsay and Savannah's surprise, the men-folk built them their home, and what a beautiful home it was. It was a two-storied home with a wraparound porch, what's more, it was built behind the sheriff's office. When they entered the house, the sight of how it was decorated made Savannah want to cry. There was a stone fireplace in the front entrance and to make it look all cozy, two rocking chairs were placed in front of it. Off to the corner on the cotton throw rug were hand carved building blocks and a homemade rag doll. Already, both Ramsay and Savannah could see themselves sitting in front of the fire and watching the kids play as they sat drinking coffee or tea and discussing their day.

But tonight wasn't a night to think about the children, tonight was for them. The candlelight glow lit up the darkened room, making every new object in the house glimmer and shine. Ram, stood before Savannah and gently embraced her and breathed in her scent, he then began to kiss her cheek and slowly made his way down her face and neck; her collar bone and the top of her breasts. As he was doing this, Savannah soon began to feel over-heated, so much so that she moved away from his embrace and without saying anything, she started to release the buttons from her dresses loops and untie the strings of her corset.

"Let me do this for you, my love," Ramsay said as he stood behind her and finished the task for her. When her dress was removed, the fire's glow reflected the perfection of her body, he was lost for words. For the second time since they met, Savannah giggled lightly and approached him and closed his mouth with her index finger and kissed him. Then as she continued to kiss him, she undressed him and watched as the fire's glow reflected off of his body. Ramsay knew that Savannah might be a little frightened of what may happen next, so he picked her up and carried her bridal style up the stairs to their new bedroom and placed her on their new bed and then sat down next to her on the edge of the bed and caressed her as he looked into her eyes.

"Are you sure, my love? I'll be very gentle, I promise that I shall never harm you, but you must let me know if I do, OK!" Savannah hushed him with her finger against his lips, then she picked up his hand and placed a kiss upon his open palm, "I have faith in you my darling. I know you would never harm me." Savannah whispered to him. With that, they extinguished the light from the candles and they both experienced a night of heated passion.

A Loving Vow To Be Made (Book 1 of The Loving You Series)Where stories live. Discover now