Chapter 15.

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The way that Rosie spoke about the wedding happened just like she said, the whole town was so excited to participate or at least have a small part in it. Everyone was anticipating the gala of the wedding, that on that very day, they all closed their shops in order for them to get ready. Savannah was secluded away in Aimee Nadia's room having her hair and make-up done and her gown getting ironed to be worn. The local barber Tiberius Thorn but known only as "Tab" by the townsfolk, mentioned in church the previous Sunday that he was also going to do his part for the wedding by offering to have a 15% discount on all hair-cuts and shaves, which almost all the men took the liberty to get; Well... the men who were married did anyway; the others just bathed themselves in the cold river and put on the only pair of clothing that didn't have rips or tears in it.

No one noticed the slightly unnerving shadow that observed the commotion. Soon the bells of the church began to chime, and everyone dressed in their finest Sunday best and congregated to the church to attend Savannah Eden and Ramsay Colt's wedding. The pews in the church were filled to the brim, every seat was taken and it seemed like almost every spot was filled with people. Ramsay was standing at the altar wearing a newly pressed white shirt and new black jeans and his sheriff badge shining brightly. Next to him was his best man, the newly appointed and youngest known deputy that had ever been deputized; Deputy Aaron Weiss, who was also sporting a newly pressed white shirt and jeans and black hat compliments of Timothy and Rosie Pearson. Everyone was awaiting the arrival of the bride and her party.

Everyone quieted when the doors to the chapel opened, and in walked Quinn, who was dressed in a beautiful blue dress and white bonnet and as she walked down the aisle, she threw many flower petals of blue and violet. When Quinn reached the altar, she placed her basket on the ground and threw herself at Ramsay's legs and hugged him. Seeing that precious moment, the whole congregation smiled, then walked in Savannah. On her left arm stood her real father, Timothy Pearson and to everyone's surprise Jon Eden on her other side. Once Jon was clean shaven and didn't stink of one drop of whiskey, and instead of a scowl, he was full of smiles. Everyone may have thought at one time or another that Jon was a horrible father to both Quinn and Savannah and sometimes they were correct, but there were sometimes when he was sober and sometimes a glimmer of happiness happened in their tiny household and family. The day before the wedding, he and Savannah both entered the jailhouse in order to speak to Jon and to tell them about their plans to marry. Before they could speak, Jon raised his hand to silence them both.

"Savannah, I just wanted to say that I'm happy for you darling, I know I have been a horrible example of a father but believe me when I say this. I loved your mother and I love you too, I may have not shown it throughout the years but I did..., even when I knew that you weren't really my child." Savannah Gasped, "You Knew papa?" Jon nodded.

"Yes, Savannah I did. At first, I was angry at your mother for taking you in, but your cherub little face soon melted away my anger and you won my heart. When your mother wasn't looking, I would cuddle and snuggle you to my chest and put you to sleep. But as the years passed and when I have repeatedly turned away from every job I ever applied for, I turned my sorrows to the bottle and my never-ending anger and aggression returned. Please, will you forgive me?" Savannah looked to Ramsay and smiled, she then waited awhile, and Ramsay unlocked the cell door. When the cell door opened, Savannah ran into her father's cell and threw herself at him and hugged him tightly. "Theirs's nothing to forgive papa, I knew you loved us, I would be honored if you would walk me down the aisle."

With tears in his eyes, Jon exhaled a sigh of relief and hugged her to him and squeezed her tighter. That remaining thought allowed Jon to keep on smiling as he walked his daughter down the aisle to meet his new son-in-law. As they both stood before Reverend Samson and waited for him to finish his speech about the bonds of matrimony, both Ramsay and Savannah failed to hear him say that it was time for the vows. Jim nudged Ram in the arms to get his attention, and Aimee did the same to Savannah. They both looked at each other laughed and smiled and so did the rest of the guests. "I am told that both the bride and groom have decided to write a small portion and add it to the traditional vows. So, Sherrif, why don't you start!"

Reverend Samson said as he laid his hands on both of their intertwined hands. Ramsay turned and faced Savannah and swallowed hard, "My darling Savannah, I fell in love with you the moment I first met you, when you were at your most vulnerable time, I wanted you to know that I'll love you now and forever. I'm your partner, you're a helper, you're life mate for life, You're my sweetheart my darling; my lover; my wife. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful husband in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live. "

Next, it was Savannah's turn and again she had to be nudged in the arm by Aimee because what Ramsay just promised to her made her even more emotional and almost unable to speak. But, she looked into his eyes and began saying her vows.

A Loving Vow To Be Made (Book 1 of The Loving You Series)Where stories live. Discover now