Chapter 14.

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"You'll probably find out the whole truth when you actually read your mother's diary, but I can't contain my excitement any longer. Savannah, honey, my husband is your real father and his first wife was your mother and not the woman whom you knew as your mother." Savannah was puzzled only for a moment, but she cleared her mind when she looked back to Rosie. Tears began to silently roll down Savannah's face and after breathing in a deep breath she gulped. "You mean, that Jon Eden isn't really my father and my mother isn't really my mama?"

Savannah cried. Rosie untangled the sheets off her legs and got out of the bed, she then walked over to Savannah and enfolded her in a warm hug. She knew that this particular news would be very shocking to hear, so without saying anything Rosie continued to hold her. "Now, now don't cry sweetie! You can stay with us until the wedding and you'll never have to fear the violence you suffered when you were under the thumb of your father." Savannah nodded her head as she wiped away her tears and took a deep breath, "Suppose what you say is true and Timothy's first wife was my birth mother. Couldn't I refer Ruth Eden as my mother instead since I didn't know this woman as I was growing up?"

Rosie smiled, "I see no reason not to. I mean it would make sense, no other citizen of this town knows the whole truth about your birth besides Tim, Ramsay and myself. And If Jon Eden did know, he wouldn't admit it, his pride would get in the way. Now enough of this unpleasant news, let's get started on planning the wedding. I believe it is right to move it ahead of a little, and you won't have to worry about a thing, I'll take care of all the details. But first things first, You and I must speak to Reverend Samson, He'll probably want to read the banns this coming Sunday after service to announce you and Ramsay's wedding, but we'll explain to him that there is no need. Then all four of us need to get together and discuss the rest of the details to the wedding."

"Slow down, Rosie! You're talking so fast you're making my head spin." Rosie giggled and cleared her throat, "Sorry, my dear, I'm just a little excited. Your right, we shouldn't rush things, your wedding will be wonderful."


When Ramsay got off work, he met Savannah outside of the cafe. She was waiting for him because he promised that he would accompany her to Reverend Samson's house to discuss with him about forgoing the banns and to discuss their wedding. Even though the wedding hasn't been announced yet, both he and Savannah knew something was up. No doubt, Rosie spread the word that a wedding was going to occur in a matter of days, so everyone has been doing things in a sneaky manner. He opened the door to the garden gate and placed his hand across her back and pulled her slightly closer to him as they approached the door, Savannah pulled the cord to the bell and anxiously waited for Reverend Samson to open it.

The door opened and a small elderly woman stood in the threshold, "Yes, what can I do for you?" From inside the house, the voice of Thomas Samson spoke, "Mother, who's at the door?"

The woman smiled at Ramsay and Savannah then shut the door a little to answer her son. "Thomas, you better get out here real QUICK!! The sheriff is her to speak with you!!" She said in a panicked voice, Ramsay stepped into the door's threshold a little further and was about to gently explain to her that he needn't worry, but the door swung open with such force that he almost lost his balance. Savannah caught him easily enough though. Thomas Samson, came to the door and was adjusting his white collar as he was also speaking to his mother, he then looked up, that's when he finally noticed Savannah standing there with him, "Oh, Miss, Eden, I didn't see you there, welcome to my home. Sorry about that, my mother just arrived in town and is staying with me so she's hasn't been able to meet anyone just yet. Now! What seems to be the problem?"

Ramsay and Savannah looked at each other and smiled, "There's no problem. We're here to tell you that we wish to be married, but we also want to forgo the calling of the banns, with all the things that have happened to my love, I want to marry her all that more." Savannah wrapped her arms around Ramsay and kissed him, "Oh, my darling, I love you so much." Thomas Samson looked at the loving couple and smiled, "I see what you mean, when do you wish to have the wedding?" Without even realizing that they both spoke at the same time, "Would next week be enough time?"

Thomas was shocked for a brief moment, "Well, that seems to be a little short notice, have you got everything arranged... I mean do you have all the details finished?" Savannah giggled, "Rosie assures me that she has everything ready, so much so, that I don't even have to lift a finger."

A Loving Vow To Be Made (Book 1 of The Loving You Series)Where stories live. Discover now