Chapter 11.

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"Who's there?" She asked in a whisper, "Is that you, Miss Eden?" Came the voice from in front of her. "Anne? What are you doing here? Don't tell me they grabbed you too?" Anne Stevens squinted in the darkness, trying to see a little of Savannah's face; "Yeah! We were returning home from the cafe when they grabbed us last night."

"Us? You mean they didn't just grab you, they took others? Who else did they take? I can only hear you. I don't hear anyone else besides you; me; and the children." "That's because before arriving here, they severely beat up Aunt Lilly and my mother because they fought them when they tried to escape. Aunt Lilly is still out cold and Mama hasn't woken up yet! Miss Eden, I'm scared, after Aunt Lilly lost consciousness and before we were thrown into the wagon, Mama fell from one of the men's horse and hit her head upon the ground, I fear that she won't wake up anymore, I think that when she fell she broke her neck and died," Anne cried. "First of all, stop calling me Miss Eden and instead call me Savannah and please don't say such things, Anne. Once were rescued, and we return to town, Dr. Brown will be able to awaken her, we mustn't lose hope!"

The men from the posse had just stopped their horses a few short miles away from the mine, to take a break, water their horses and to plot out a strategy. Each man was responsible for at least one thing before they made their final decisions regarding the details of the plan. Jim Weiss was just starting the fire when out of the corner of his eye he saw a cloud of dust in the distance. At first, he thought it was the bandits from the gang heading to ambush them, which is why he shouted out a warning. Everyone quickly dropped what they were doing; grabbed their rifles and were beginning to take aim when Ramsay called to them to halt.

When the rider reached them, Ramsay got to see that the rider was Timothy. He was wondering if Tim, heard any news about the gang or anything about Savannah or why he was here with them. Tim got down from his horse and approached Sherrif Colt, "Sheriff, we need to speak in private." Ramsay nodded and directed him to a secluded spot to speak, "What seems to be the problem, Tim? What have you heard?"

Timothy brushed his fingers through his hair and grunted, "That journal you gave me to read, provided some important information that I was unaware of. I now know who the leader of the gang is; what he wants with my daughter Savannah; and what he plans to do with the hostages!

The truth is, Sheriff, the culprit is my son, Jack. Or at least, all these years, I thought he was my son. It turns out he wasn't my flesh and blood at all! He's a stranger! My real son died when he was four years old, my first wife, made some hasty arrangements to replace him, making me unaware that he was my true son. To make matters worse, the journal showed me other truths. Savannah Eden is, in fact, my biological daughter, she is my true flesh and blood, another fact my poor wife Rachel kept hidden."

Ramsay was shocked to hear this, but he was also relieved. Now Savannah wouldn't have to endure any more violence at the hands of Jon Eden anymore or for the rest of her life. "I'm glad you learned the truth, Tim. Is it safe to say that you won't have any hard feelings if we kill Jack?"

Timothy shook his head. "Of course not Sheriff. Jack made his decision to become a crook a long time ago as well as to abandon the morals of right and wrong that I taught him while he was growing up." "Have you come to join us in rescuing them?" Tim pulled out his gun from his belt, as well as the rifle that he had secured to his saddle, "Why do you think I brought some more ammunition and firepower with me. No way, am I going to stay at home and worry like a woman, Sheriff."

He said laughing. "Let's go and find this bastard, rescue the hostages and bring my daughter home safe and sound."

A Loving Vow To Be Made (Book 1 of The Loving You Series)Where stories live. Discover now