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Five years later... Bannack, Montana 1867.

There hasn't been any trouble for Bannack since the leader of the Turner Gang was killed, peace reigned at last. The abandoned mine that was shut down has re-opened again which has led to many more open jobs and more shops to be opened. A new saloon known as The Silver Garter has appeared too, and it is in constant competition with the Red Velvet, this one is located down the main street and seems to be attracting much more business much to the dismay the owner of the Red Velvet Saloon.

With so much more jobs many more people have arrived to stake a claim on the open and fertile farmlands around town, which has also brought in more single and available women. Reverend Samson has been run off his feet by performing four to six weddings a week. This included Ramsay's Grandfather. Archer Colt, who returned to Bannack in the company of the families he brought with him from England. Apparently, they were related to her late mother, and now Savannah had more family joining her here in Bannack Montana. Jon Eden had quit drinking and had finally succeeded in landing a stable job as chief foreman of the mine, he has also remarried and spoke vows with former widow Hanson, and it must be going well because Amelia is now expecting her second child with him.

With the success of keeping Bannack safe, Ramsay was named Marshall and is now a district sheriff for the Montana territory.  The position was so busy that he appointed Aaron as sheriff while he took over the job of Marshall. Aaron married his sweetheart Anne Stanton and has just become a father for the third time. It has been five years since Savannah and Ramsay tied the knot and not a day goes by that Savannah isn't grateful that it occurred. But not a night like this one, Savannah was cursing Ramsay. Rosie and Aimee and Gloria, as well as her new cousin Angel Steele, have invaded their home in order to help Savannah get through her labor. Every time, Ramsay entered a room to sit, the women kicked him out. "Papa, why is Mama screaming?" Joey asked as he sat next to his father in the dining room, along with all the other men. Ramsay looked down and ruffled Joey's hair, He was about to answer his son's question when his new cousin in law bent down and ruffled Joey's blond locks.

"She's screaming because it hurts our women folk to bring forth life into this world. That is the job our good Lord made the Women do. You have nothing to fear Joey, soon you'll have a new brother or sister joining your family." Tyler Steele said to his ten-year-old wife's nephew. Tyler looked up from the boy and hugged Ramsay. "Does that help Ram? My daughter asked the same question when her baby brother and sister were born, I swear I must have repeated that answer to her so many times because she kept asking me that." Tyler said laughing. Ramsay welcomed the hug. He was glad that Savannah now had more family to rely on, now that Tyler Steele and his family and friends joined them here in Bannack. He was about to inquire further about why their family followed Archer Colt back here when another scream went throughout the house causing Ramsay to jump.

"Push honey, you're almost there! Doctor Brown said to her as he began to see the feet, just one bigger one. Ready? We'll count together OK!" Savannah nodded and breathed in a deep breath and pushed as hard as she could. Finally, in a whoosh, the baby came out, but it was holding onto another hand. "Oh, my god. Savannah, it looks like you have to push one more time, you're having twins!!" Angel said as she wiped the sweat from her cousin's brow. "What??"

Savannah said as she screamed. But didn't have enough time to ask again because another sharp pain went through her. Ramsay was pacing the hallway, waiting for the labor to be over when the door to his bedroom opened and out walked Dr. Brown, smiling and carrying his case. "How... how is she, Doc?"

Nelson Brown slapped Ramsay on the back and congratulated him, "She's doing fine, Ram, no need to worry or fear. You have become a father to twins. A baby girl and boy! You can go in now, Savannah is waiting for you." He opened the door and looked inside. He could see Angel sitting on the edge of their bed with a baby cradled in her arms as well as his mother- in- law with another in her arms. When he saw Savannah asleep with her bangs plastered to her forehead and dark smudges under her eyes, Ramsay became alarmed and rushed to her side. He knelt beside the bed and hesitantly brushed away her bangs and caressed her cheek,

"Savannah honey, are you OK?" Savannah opened her eyes and lovingly gazed at her husband and nodded. "Yes, my love." She said as she looked to her cousin and mother and gestured her to bring forward the twins so that he could meet his new children. "Come and meet your new son and daughter. What would you like to name them?"

Ramsay looked at the baby girl and smiled when he saw how beautiful she was, "She looks like one of heaven's angels, she's definitely going to be very popular with the young boys when she's older... but she will also be sweet and caring because of you so let's call her, Angela." He said as he looked up at his cousin's face,

"If you wouldn't mind." Angel placed her hand across her breast and blushed. "I would be honored for you to call her after me, Ramsay." She said. Then he gathered his new son into his arms and held him all the more tightly to him. Our son... we'll name him after my great uncle. We'll name him Drake! Drake Owen Colt." Soon the room emptied leaving only Savannah and Ramsay and the twins within the room. Savannah kissed both of her babies on the forehead, and after feeding them she handed them to him to hold and placed them in their bassinets. He then got undressed, slipped beneath the sheets, tugged Savannah closer to him and held onto her and whispered in her ear, "I'm glad I made that vow when I met you, my love."

Savannah turned her face to look into his eyes, ''What vow?" "When I found you all hurt that day, and saw how vulnerable you were, I made a promise in my heart, that whatever happened, I would be there to protect you and keep you safe." Savannah kissed him on the lips and snuggled even closer into him, taking in his scent, Savannah smiled.

The End.

If you wish to know the Story of Angel and Tyler Steele, please read my next novel and the sequel to this one. It's called Loving Heaven's Gift. Which will become available soon!

A Loving Vow To Be Made (Book 1 of The Loving You Series)Where stories live. Discover now