Chapter 7: The Personal Prison

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(Marionette's view)

What have I done? I've swapped all of our souls AND murdered my own body. My stomach twisted and I gave everybody their body back. That was a huge mistake. My body returned to normal yet the Guard's body was suddenly the one twisted on the ground, covered in blood. I turned us back to let her live and let me go free! I'm not selfish am I? OF COURSE NOT!! I'M THE MASTER HERE!! I pushed the bad thought to the back of my mind as my music started playing again. I knew one of the spring brothers had turned it on to keep me calm. I turned to be tackled by a flash of purple. I have to admit I was slightly surprised that he would dare do that... unless he loves her. I thought with an inner smile.

"What did you do to her!" Just looking at him made me sick. I wished his skin would go normal instead of staying purple. I tried to push him off yet was surprised that I couldn't. "I would never let a child go so easily!" My soul nearly jumped until it moved back into the suit were it was originally. I didn't want to show that I was scared, I never do.

"You really are in love with that girl, aren't you?" as soon as I said it I knew I was right. He glared down at me with a slight blush on his face. He finally loosened his grip enough for he to push him off. I was annoyed that neither Golden Freddy or Spring Bonnie helped me. When I got to my full hight I looked down at him. He had the nerve to look up and strait into my eyes. I hated how his eyes glint with an emotion I have never know or felt when he looks at me. I wanted to know what emotion it was.

"What happened to her." amusing that he changed the subject to hide his feelings.His question also made me think about what I did. Why in the world did I even do that? TO PROVE I'M THE MASTER THAT'S WHY!!

"I just did a slight body swap is all." I knew Golden Freddy would be mad at me but he used his chip so why shouldn't I be able to use my powers? I heard padded feet come towards me and I knew it was most likely Golden Freddy. I turned around to see Spring Bonne to my surprise. He was carrying the guard.

"Fix her." I smiled at his false bossiness. "Now" then I realized he wasn't joking. He really liked this girl didn't he? Why would Spring Bonnie like a guard?

"Why should I?" he knew I was trying to get him more mad. He gripped my neck. I stared at him. He should know we don't have to breath. I easily slipped out of his flimsy paw. He had changed the guard into a position like how firefighters hold survivors from a fire. He sighed.

"I don't want to hurt you Marionette but please help her." I couldn't help but give in. He has playing innocent and he knows I have a soft spot for innocent beings.

"Fine then. Give her here." he was hesitant but he passed her twisted, bloody body to me anyways. His arms were stained with blood. It would be a pain to wash out. I gripped her slick body. I never noticed how blood make things more slippery than water does.

"Be careful with her," I role my eyes and gripped her tighter. Spring Bonnie growled at me but I went over to my box and placed her on the table and turned on a little music box that was in the back of the top shelf and moved it in front of he head and climbed into my box. "Were are you going Marionette? She's not healed yet." I sighed.

"The music heals her faster and also gives life to any around it." I don't think most know this but I can't directly heal anybody. I could give away pieces of my soul, which is very painful for my soul, to replace their injuries or give them life but this music box can do it without the pain. When I gave away pieces of my soul the music replaces it with its own life. Spring Bonnie raised his eyebrows at me.

"Does it now..." Spring Bonnie was talking to me like he was talking to a crazy person. I sighed and I went into the box and closed the lid.

(different view)

Were am I? Who am I? What is this? All I could see was darkness. I had no idea or clue of who I was. I didn't know what I was or were I was. It was an empty void. I could only feel pain. Unbearable pain. I couldn't move. I couldn't scream. I couldn't call for help. I didn't know how. Even if I could call out, no one would answer me. I was getting used to the pain yet every time I tried to move things would pull me and put me in more agony then I already was in. I wanted to get out of were I was. I tried moving my head... no additional pain... I slowly looked down at my body. My body was bloody and broken. Hooks dug into my body were there was additional pain. I tried to move my legs and more hooks dug into them and held them in place. I was trapped. Then I heard music and felt light. My body stopped hurting. Then I felt two warm arms wraps around me and I fell into a sleep-like state.

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