Cherry Blossoms Life Redone

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HI!! So this is my first fanfic so please go easy in me! This story is about Sakura except she isn't a fan girl like she's portrayed (Yay! I used a big word!) in almost every other story. So if you don't like Sakura then I don't think this is the story for you. Sorry! I showed Sakura like I think she is and please feel free to correct me if I mess up! I hope you enjoy the story! I want to thank all the people who wrote stories about Sakura because they gave me my inspiration(Yay another big word! I'm on a roll!) to write this story.


Sakura is six years old.

-DISCLAIMER- I don't own Naruto or any of the Naruto characters Masashi Kishimoto-San does! (I don't own the pictures either)


"Bye Kaa-Chan!!" A small pink haired child yelled as she opened the door. Her long hair, which was about mid back, blew back from the soft breeze. Holding the edge of her sundress, she pushed it down against the wind. Shaking her head, she tried to get her bangs out of her face, revealing that yes, she did have a somewhat large forehead. Now her eyes could be seen clearly, a startling shade of deep emerald that sparked in the sun. Needless to say, with her light porcelain skin, and her exotic hair and eyes, she was quite eye-catching.

"Be back before dinner!!!" Her mother replied back.

"Hai hai, I will" the child replied, waving it off before jumping down the one step that led to her house and shutting the door behind her.

Walking leisurely, she wandered the village, occasionally stopping by to chat with someone she knew. Grinning, she munched on the apple her Taka-Oji-chan had given her. He owned the best fruit stand in the village and was quite fond of the small child, always giving her treats, which of course meant that he was one of her favorites.

Finishing the apple, she threw away the core before once again starting to wander aimlessly around the village. 'Hmmmm, what to do....?' She thought, bored of just walking. Sighing, she turned on her heel, walking in a different direction. 'I wonder if there's anybody at the training grounds, maybe a shinobi-San wouldn't mind me watching them.'

With that thought in mind, she set off towards the training grounds when she ran into something. Falling back on her butt, she rubbed her head with one hand before looking up. Through her bangs she noticed she had ran into a young teen boy, maybe if 13 years old. Still confused at what had happened, she stared for a few moments at said boy, taking in his pale skin, long dark hair tied neatly in a ponytail, and deep onyx eyes which watched her in amusement.

Realizing her manners, she scrambled to her feet and bowed deeply to the teen. "Gomenasai, I didn't mean to bump into you, I should have watched where I was going." Straightening up, she gave the teen a sheepish smile before skidding around him, only to notice the young boy clinging to his leg. She immediately took in the matching features and the Uchiwa fan displayed on both boys shirt.

"It was nice meeting you Uchiha-San and Uchiha-Kun!!" She yelled before sprinting towards her destination, not noticing the shock on the young boys face and the interest on the older ones.

'I think there was a training ground near the house, I'll tell Kaa-chan I'm going there so she won't worry, she hates it when I go there alone without her knowing.' Making the decision, she ran faster towards her house, not wanting to waste this perfect day. Oh if only she knew..

Arriving home she instantly realized something was wrong. She stood, panting, on the doorstep, the run having tired her out. Slowly, carefully, she opened the front door, ignoring her instincts that were yelling at her to flee.

Fear ran through her every vein as she stepped further into the room, wincing as her sandaled feet made small slapping sounds against the floor. Bending down, she took her sandals off, cautiously looking around the house. The curtains were drawn, the lamps turned off, it was almost pitch black. The only source of light came from the opened door behind her.

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