The Big Bad Chunin Exams

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Next chappie is up!! This takes place a little after the last chapter, so umm yea. And umm, there are some dark-ish angst-y spots in this chapter that I really didn't wanna write but I needed for the story so....if you don't wanna read it skip the thick part that's in italics.

Kanshi' = Sakura's thoughts

'Kanshi' = Other characters thoughts

'Kanshi' = Sakura's Inner

'Kanshi' = Other characters Inner

-DISCLAIMER- and I still don't own Naruto or any of the characters........


(Sakura's P.O.V.)

With a yawn I stretched myself out on my spot on the roof of my apartment building. With a sigh I let myself fall back on the roof so I was lying on my back, staring up at the sky.

I watched as the clouds floated by freely, wandering aimlessly with no place to go, letting the wind push them along. The sky was a gorgeous sight to see today, almost translucent, but with different shades of blue tinting it.

Normally I would've marveled at the beauty, drinking in the sight, enjoying it, but not today. My mind wandered back to this morning, when we received our forms for the chunin exams. Rolling over onto my stomach, I closed my eyes and unwillingly thought of the form lying on my bed inside.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to take the chunin exams yet, there was a strange sort of foreboding in my stomach. Thoughts kept running through my mind, fears I wanted to squash down. 'What if something happens?' 'What if I can't take care of my team?' 'What if someone gets hurt?' 'What if I'm not strong enough to protect them,'.

My eyes flew open and I vehemently shook my head, trying to dispel the images that came with my thoughts. I rolled over again, so I was once again staring at the sky. I was worried, there was no doubt about it, and I was scared, scared that I wouldn't be able to protect them, that they would slip away from me like my parents had.

They were my only family now and I didn't want to lose them. My vision blurred, a slight stinging sensation in my eyes. Something wet trailed down my face and I instinctively lifted a hand to my cheek. Pulling away my hand, I was shocked to see tears glistening in on my fingers. I was crying.

Rubbing the back if my hand over my eyes, I wiped the tears away and tried to swallow around the lump in my throat. Taking shaky breathes, I pushed myself up, trying to convince myself that crying will do nothing.

Looking down at the bustling streets below, I found comfort in the cheerful chatter of the women talking, the joyful laughing of the kids dashing through the streets, faces glowing with happiness. A smile reached my lips as I saw the bustling villagers below. I wanted to keep them all safe, I swore to myself that I wouldn't let anyone else face the same thing I did. I will protect their happiness.

Stretching my arms out, I took in a deep breath and found the knot in my stomach loosened. Straightening up, I was about to jump down onto the streets below when I saw Ducky walking by, but there seemed to be something off about him.

Examining him through narrowed eyes, I noticed that he seemed almost uncomfortable in his skin. He was walking stiffly, his arms held awkwardly by his sides and his pace uneven, almost as if he wasn't used to his limbs. I felt like I was missing something, something big. Tilting my head to the side, I scrutinized the scene before me and with a click I realized what was going on.

'Henge....' my mind supplied and a quick chakra scan with my heightened senses told me that the Ducky walking before me was an imposter. His chakra signature wasn't like Ducky's, it was different, controlled, even and though Ducky had large chakra reserves, the impostors where slightly bigger, around mid to high chunin level.

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