A New Enemy

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-DISCLAIMER- No, I don't own Naruto, even if I wish I did.....
(Sakura's P.O.V.)

Wincing, I tried to keep pace with Naruto, who was doing a weird run hop thing, hurrying us towards the exam room. My body was still sore and my head was bursting with pain. It felt like someone was constantly driving a stake through it, while a hyper Naruto chattered on and Ducky suddenly got super powers and could literally burn a hole in something using his glare.
Alright, so I'm getting carried away.
Ever since......that happened this morning, I've been in agony, but I refused to say anything to Ducky or Naruto.

I didn't want to be seen as weak, not after the display I put on in front of Lee and Lee-Double. No matter what Naruto said, some part of me will always believe that it was because I wasn't strong enough that Inner left, and that it was because of me that Inner was in so much pain.

'I wonder if this is what Inner felt when she was still here.......' I thought. Shaking my head, I tried to focus on hurrying along next to Ducky and Naruto, but it was hard to ignore the pain.

'Suck it up,' I chided myself, 'I can bare a little pain, think about what Inner went through!!!' Blinking a few times, i sped up my pace so that I was matching Naruto's, we were almost at the exam room anyway, I could push through this.

"Come on!!!! If we rush, we can get there just in time!!!!" Naruto yelled, picking up his pace, but I stopped in my tracks.

"Hey, why don't we do enter Team Kakashi style?" I asked, a crooked smile forming on my lips, the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea, if we were Kaka-sensei's students, then why shouldn't we appear Kakashi style? And judging my the smirk on Ducky's face and the grin on Naruto's, they also liked the idea.

'Well, Inner loved it when we did crazy things before, so this is for her,'
(No one's P.O.V.)

Inside the exam room, every genin sat silent, terrified of the person before them. A tall, well built, muscular man stood at the front, his steely eyes surveying the scared batch of genin misfits before him. There were maybe a hundred or so of them, but he estimated that only around ten or fifteen of them would be left by the end of the test.

"Alright you little maggots, listen up!! From this moment on, I will be your worst enemy!!" He roared, his voice echoing throughout the room.

He suppressed a smirk as he saw each of the genin shiver in fear, some looking like they were going to wet their pants, the mans name? Ibiki Morino, terror and investigation department head, the man who knows exactly what will terrify a man most, and enjoys making that happen.

Hinata sat rigid, terrified of the instructor before her. To make things worse, she wasn't sure where her teammates where. Everyone had been seated so that they were nowhere near their team members, and this was true for her too. She had been placed in between two male ninja that she had never seen before.

One of them was from Hidden Mist while the other was apparently a leaf shinobi, yet she was sure she hadn't known him before.

Glancing at her seat mates from the corner of her eye, Hinata observed the Leaf Ninja. Something about him seemed..........off. She had seen many of the village shinobi, and knew all the genin ninja of the village, either when she was supposed to watch them train or when her father had called a meeting with them, but she had never seen him before.

Examining him through narrowed eyes, she paid attention to detail. He sat with a lazy posture, completely confident in himself, yet still giving off the impression that he didn't really care what was going on. Physically, he fit every other genins description, a slender build but with a small amount of muscle peeking through. A young face, that had hints of maturity showing on his jaw line and around his eyes. He almost looked like Uchiha-san, with his pale skin and darkened hair, but she noticed how his hair was more of a bluish-brown.

Yet there was something about him that made her uneasy. He didn't have that same kind open nature that most of the leaf ninja had, yet he also didn't have that quiet strength that both Uchiha-San and Neji-Nii-San had. There was a dangerous look to this genin, that she doubted anybody else noticed, but she couldn't quite place what it was!

Suddenly the genin turned to look at her as she flinched, stiffening even more. Slowly, she turned towards him, suppressing a squeak when she saw that he was staring back at her.
Flushing, she tried to draw her eyes away from him but he held her gaze, almost as if hypnotizing her.

She stared into his eyes, noticing how they were an almost purple color. They looked like they were warm an inviting, but all it did was set her on edge.
Suddenly, his eyes flashed a deep yellow, purple rings surrounding them and a slit for a pupil. A startled scream clawed its way up her throat but she found that she couldn't let it escape.

She looked at him disbelieving, but all he did was grin at her and she felt herself turn to stare at the empty chairs in front of her. She wasn't sure why she wasn't reporting him, but something was telling her not to, and she was scared of this something.
The boy grinned. All was going according to plan. 'Poor Hyuuga, if only she knew what those two seconds of staring into my eyes would do to her.' he thought mockingly, a wicked smirk forming on his face. 'She will bring the two jinchuuriki to me, willingly or not.'

Turning to face the front, he repressed a frown as he stared at the empty seats before him, 'where were his prey?' Looking over at the Hyuuga, he saw that she also was staring at the empty chairs, a distressed expression on her face. He twitched his fingers and suddenly her face became blank, wiping clear of any emotion she felt.

That's better," he thought, 'cant have my pawns thinking now can we?'
Glancing back towards the front, he surveyed the room, looking for the genin he was targeting. Just as he was going to make up some excuse to go and get them, a giant smoke cloud erupted in the classroom and the chakras of the genin he was searching for appeared.

'Ahh, so that's where they were,' he thought, a smirk worming its way across his face, he cast another glance at the Hyuuga beside him and saw that she still had that blank look on her face. His smirk widened, 'Let the games begin'
Sorry about the short chapter but I couldn't figure out how to fit what I'm planning to do next into this chapter and I'm sorry for the late update and I'm pretty sure this chapter sucks, but here you go! I'll try to update soon, I literally just got home from my dance performace and I'm really tired so I'll work on the next chapter later.

Also I noticed how it won't let me make paragraph breaks so I'm really sorry about that too.

~❤️a very tired Kanshi-chan

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