Tests, jutsus and secrets

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Yo! Ok so I hadn't originally planned on writing this chapter but now Im like really into it. This chapter will be kinda long cuz I'm doing what probably should be done in two chapters in one. By the way the prank on the Hokage mountains already happened and Inner will start appearing in my chapters. Well, enjoy!!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: I would like to thank everyone who read this story and reviewed but I would like to give a shout out to Harphee and cherryblossom1423. Without them, I would still be sitting there trying to figure out how to do this chapter. Thanks for all the encouragement. (Especially cherryblossom1423.) This chapters for you guys!

-DISCLAIMER- I don't own Naruto or any of the Naruto characters.........I'm starting to get annoyed with having to write this so many times, so I've just started doing copy and paste.
(Sakura's P.O.V.)

Gasping, I shot upright in bed. Bringing a hand up to my face, I touched my cheek and felt something wet. Pulling my hand away, I saw that they were tears.

'Damn it!! I had the dream about their deaths again.' Wiping my tears away, I glanced at my clock to see that it was 5:32. 'Well, this is as good time as any to wake up.'

Sighing, I untangled myself from my blanket and stood up. Walking to my bathroom, I stripped off my pajamas, and after testing to see if the water was warm in enough, stepped in.

Soaking in the heat, I tried to forget my dream. Washing my hair, I breathed in the comforting aroma of strawberries that reminded me of my mother.

Standing under the shower for a little longer, I finally turned the water off and stepped out. Drying off, I then wrapped a towel around myself.

Opening the bathroom door I let the steam enter my room where it promptly disappeared.

Walking to my closet, I quickly dressed myself, deciding to go simple for today. Looking in the mirror, I decided that I was practically and decently dressed.

I was wearing a simple, dark blue top with sleeves that stopped at my elbows. My clan symbol on the back in white. I had on lose black shorts and my weapons pouch was strapped on using bandages. My long hair, which now reached mid thigh, was up in a high ponytail. My keys hung around my neck from a silver chain.

Checking the time I saw that I had twenty minutes to get to the academy. I skipped over breakfast, I was nervous for the graduation test that was coming up.

Deciding to wear my blue sandals instead, I quickly slid them on and dashed outside.

Running on the rooftops I quickly arrived at the academy. Quickly entering I raced towards the classroom.

Opening the door I scanned the room looking for Hina-chan and NaruNaru. Spotting Hina-chan sitting alone at a desk in the middle row at the back of the room I waved.

"Hey Hina-chan! Ready for the test?" I asked sliding into the seat next to her.

"Hai Saki-chan. Im kind of nervous." she replied, she had stopped stuttering around me but still spoke softly.

"Don't worry Hina-chan, you'll be fine, we all trained hard for this." I replied, giving her an upbeat smile.

"Have you seen NaruNaru?" I asked, slightly worried.

"No, I haven't seen him yet." she replied, a look of worry overshadowing her face.

"Don't worry he probably just woke up late." I said, trying to reassure her.

"Never fear, Uzumaki Naruto is here!"
Naruto exclaimed, standing there in all his orange glory.

"NaruNaru!" I yelled, standing up and waving at him.

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