Hmmm, shes.......Different

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I got nothing............

-DISCLAIMER- I don't remember being filthy rich, so no I don't own Naruto or any of the Naruto characters or the jutsu, you get my point.

'Kanshi' = Sakura's thoughts
'Kanshi' = Other characters thoughts
'Kanshi' = Sakura's Inner
'Kanshi' = Other characters Inner
(Haku's P.O.V.)

I reached up and pulled the needle holding my hair up out. Letting my long hair fall down and surround me, I grabbed the basket next to me and started out to the forest to gather some herbs.

'Why is it that Zabuza always makes me dress up as a girl for my cover..?' I thought. Sighing, I looked down at the white kimono with pale pink flowers that I was wearing. 'Tch. Too girly,'

Shaking my head, I arrived at the clearing and kneeled down, before starting to pick the herbs I needed. A bird came and landed on my shoulder, smiling at the bird, I was about to continue my work when the bird flew off. Startled, I looked up and saw that the bird landed on what looked like a sleeping boy, who seemed to be about twelve or thirteen years old.

Walking closer, I saw that he was wearing a bright orange jumpsuit and it was then I noticed the headband he was wearing.

'That headband, it has the symbol for the Village Hidden in the Leaves,' I thought, before moving closer to him.

Kneeling down next to him, I put the basket next to me and was reaching for him when suddenly a kunai embedded itself next to where I was sitting.

Startled, I looked for who threw the kunai when a voice spoke out.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a distinctly feminine voice spoke before a young girl landed in front of me. Even if she was the enemy, I couldn't help but blush very very lightly.

She was wearing white short shorts, revealing long creamy legs that disappeared under black heeled knee-length boots. On top she was wearing a black tank that stopped about three inches above her bellybutton. Her long light pink hair was in a long French braid, and her bangs were framing her face. Bandages were covering her arms from wrist to elbow. A kunai pouch on her leg. She, like the boy, had a Leaf headband wrapped around her forehead.

Snapping out of it, I looked at her again and tried to keep up my appearance of a civilian girl.

"I-I was just w-waking him up, h-he'll catch a cold if h-he sleeps out here," I said, adding a stutter to make it seem as she had scared the wits out of me and to give the illusion that I had never seen a ninja weapon before.

"Geez dude, both you and I know that your no stranger to weapons, and that it's very dangerous to let your guard down," she said, rolling her eyes slightly and pulling a lollipop from her ninja pack, unwrapping it before popping it in her mouth.

'And she's lecturing me on letting my guard down?' I thought, sweatdropping a little. Smirking slightly, I appeared standing behind her, holding a kunai to her neck.

"You were saying?" I asked, a full blown cocky smirk on my face now. I don't know what it was about her that was making me act that way.

"I was saying you shouldn't let your guard down," she replied.

"Says the one with a kunai at her neck," I mocked her. 'What the hell is wrong with me? I'm usually not this headstrong...' I thought.

"You might wanna check again," she said and I was pretty sure that my confusion was stamped on my face. Though her back was to me, she seemed to sense what I was thinking.

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